Notices under the Trustee Act 1925

LiverpoolL3 1HU53.405996-2.995882TRUSTEE ACT 1925Trustee Act 1925TRUSTEE ACT 1925, s. 27Trustee Act 1925, s. 272018-02-022024-07-262024-09-25TSO (The Stationery Office),



Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925 (as amended), that the Trustee of the Mowlem (1993) Pension Scheme (the Scheme) is finalising its winding-up and intends to distribute the assets of the Scheme, in accordance with its governing documentation and overriding law, among all persons entitled to benefits from the Scheme as at 2 February 2018, being the date the Scheme commenced to wind up. This will be achieved by securing all members' defined benefits (or final salary benefits) by the purchase of immediate and deferred annuities with an insurance company.

The following individuals are requested to write to the Trustee, care of the Scheme administrator, Barnett Waddingham (BW), at the address given below within two months of the date of this publication:

• any employee or former employee of Sovereign Hospital Services Limited (or a predecessor employer in the Building Management Business ultimately carried on by Sovereign Hospital Services Limited, including Sovereign Consultancy Services Limited, PME Partnerships Limited, Carillion JM Limited and Carillion Services 2006 Limited), who believes that they were a member of the Scheme and who is not already receiving a pension in respect of their membership of the Scheme and has not received any correspondence from the Trustee in the last 2 years;

• any person who believes themselves to be a beneficiary of the Scheme as the widow, widower or dependant of a deceased member of the Scheme; and

• any other person who believes they have a claim against, or an interest in, the Scheme;

Claimants should provide their full name, address, date of birth, National Insurance number and details of when they were members of the Scheme.

After 25 September 2024 the Trustee will proceed to distribute the assets of the Scheme among the persons entitled to them, having regard only to those claims and interests of which they had prior notice and in relation to the assets used for distribution, the Trustee will not be liable to any person or persons for a claim of which it does not have notice by 25 September 2024. If the Trustee, or BW, are already in contact with you (for example if you have received correspondence from them or are receiving a pension) you do not need to reply to this notice as your interest has already been noted.

Dated: 26 July 2024

Contact Details: Richard Orford, PPF Principal Administrator, Barnett Waddingham, Royal Liver Building, Pier Head, Liverpool L3 1HU

for and on behalf of the Trustee of the Mowlem (1993) Pension Scheme