
LambethSW2 1EG51.45931-0.117273SW2 9QQ51.454192-0.122262Highways Act 1980Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s. 232024-08-092024-09-20TSO (The Stationery Office), customer.services@thegazette.co.uk468147164484






[NOTE: This Notice is about proposals to convert existing speed cushions to sinusoidal road humps and reconstruct existing speed tables in the roads specified in paragraph 1 of this Notice and new Zebra pedestrian crossings in paragraph 2 of this Notice. Objections or other comments may be made – see paragraph 6].

1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Lambeth proposes, under section 90A and 90C of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended) and the Highways (Road Humps) Regulations 1999 (as amended) proposes to: -

(1) Convert speed cushions to sinusoidal humps in Rosendale Road between the common boundaries of (a) 71-73 and 73-75, (b) 119-121 and 121-123, (c) 131-133 and 133-135, (d) 147-149 and 149-151.

(2) Convert speed cushions to a speed table in Rosendale Road between (a) the northern kerb-line of Idmiston Road and the common boundaries of 97-99 Rosendale Road (the length of the road hump would be 10 metres, including the ramps on either side).

(3) Reconstruct the existing speed tables in Rosendale Road at the junction with Park Hall Road (the length of the road hump would be 15 metres, including the ramps on either side) including realignment of the existing footways.

NB - The sinusoidal road humps, also known as ‘speed humps’, would be elevated sections of carriageway, between 75 and 100 millimetres higher at their highest point than the surrounding carriageway, extending across the full width of the carriageway (less space for drainage and cycleway) and up to 3.7 metres in length. The proposed location for each speed hump is extended in case of any site constraints.

NB - The speed table would be an elevated section of the carriageway, between 75 and 100 millimetres higher than the surrounding carriageway, extending across the full width of the carriageway (including cycleway) so that the flat top of the speed table or raised entry treatment and the adjoining footways form a continuous surface.

2. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Lambeth proposes, under section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended), to provide a new Zebra pedestrian crossing in

(1) Rosendale Road, north of the junction of Eastmearn Road, the crossing includes a parallel cycleway, and both would be raised up on the road hump described in paragraph 1(1)(b) above, and zig-zag markings (on which vehicles would be banned from stopping at any time) would be placed on the carriageway either side of the crossing.

(2) Rosendale Road, north of the junction of Idmiston Road, the crossing would be raised up on the road hump described in paragraph 1(2)(a) above, and zig-zag markings (on which vehicles would be banned from stopping at any time) would be placed on the carriageway either side of the crossing.

(3) Rosendale Road, north of the junction of Park Hall Road, the crossing includes a parallel cycleway, and both would be raised up on the road hump described in paragraph 1(3)(a) above, and zig-zag markings (on which vehicles would be banned from stopping at any time) would be placed on the carriageway either side of the crossing.

(4) Rosendale Road, south of the junction of Park Hall Road, the crossing includes a parallel cycleway, and both would be raised up on the road hump described in paragraph 1(3)(b) above, and zig-zag markings (on which vehicles would be banned from stopping at any time) would be placed on the carriageway either side of the crossing.

(5) Park Hall Road, east of the junction with Rosendale Road, the crossing includes a parallel cycleway, and zig-zag markings (on which vehicles would be banned from stopping at any time) would be placed on the carriageway either side of the crossing.

3. The proposals are intended to improve safety by reducing traffic speeds and the potential for road accidents and provide better accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists who would benefit from the continuous surface and safer road crossing facilities.

4. If you have any enquiries about this matter, please email healthyroutes@lambeth.gov.uk.

5. Maps showing the locations of the proposed road humps and Zebra pedestrian crossings are available for inspection online at: https://streets.appyway.com/lambeth or www.lambeth.gov.uk/traffic-management-orders and at the offices of Lambeth Council’s Parking and Enforcement Group (Parking, Network Management & Fleet), 3rd Floor, Civic Centre, 6 Brixton Hill, London SW2 1EG, between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive (except on bank/public holidays). To arrange an inspection please email: Trafficorders@lambeth.gov.uk.

6. All objections and other representations relating to the proposed road humps or Zebra pedestrian crossings must be made in writing by 20 September 2024 and all objections must specify the grounds on which they are made (quoting reference West Dulwich Healthy Routes) and should be sent to Barbara Poulter, Parking and Enforcement Group (Parking, Network Management & Fleet), PO Box 80771, London SW2 9QQ. Any objection may be communicated to, or be seen by, other persons who may have an interest in this matter.

Dated 9 August 2024

Ben Stevens, Highway Network Manager