Road Traffic Acts

HackneyE8 1DY51.54532-0.057953Road Traffic Regulation Act 19842024-09-062024-09-23TSO (The Stationery Office),




1. NOTICE is hereby given that on 6th September 2024, the London Borough of Hackney made an Experimental Traffic Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 ("the Act") and all other enabling powers.

2. The effect of the Experimental Traffic Order (ETO), which comes into operation on 23rd September 2024, will be to introduce a ‘Pedestrian and Cycle Zone’ in the following locations, operating Monday - Friday, between 8.00am - 9.00am and 3.00pm – 4.00pm (during school term times only).

a. The Urswick School (SS53)

Paragon Road - from the junction with Chatham Place to the junction with Valette Street (including the Trelawney Estate roads)

• Access will be permitted at all times for vehicles registered for a School Street zone SS53 exemption, including vehicles registered to a residential or business address within the School Street zone

• Eligible Blue Badge holders who register their vehicle

• Vehicles registered for a special exemption from School Street zone SS53

• Any vehicle being used for Police, Fire Brigade or Ambulance purposes

• Patient transport vehicles

• TFL public buses and Dial-a-Ride buses

• Some LB Hackney vehicles or contracted vehicles providing transport to school, including for SEND pupils

• LB Hackney waste services vehicles

• Pedal cycles

3. The London Borough of Hackney statement of reasons for undertaking an experimental order are as follows;

a) Reduce congestion in the street(s) at school opening and closing times

b) Improve local air quality and reduce emissions around the school gates

c) Improve road safety and accessibility for non-motorised users

d) Encourage active travel to school for pupils and parents

4. The London Borough of Hackney will in due course be considering whether the provisions of the ETO should be continued in force indefinitely. Accordingly, these changes are being introduced for a trial period before consideration is given to whether the provisions of the ETO should be made permanent.

5. The ETO will continue in force for a period of 18 months, during which time a permanent Order will be considered. Within a period of 6 months from the date on which the ETO comes into force, any person may object to the making of a permanent order. Should the ETO be varied or modified, the 6 month period will begin with the day on which the variation or modification (or, as appropriate, the latest variation or modification) comes into force. Any objection should be made in writing, giving the grounds on which it is made and should be emailed to Any comments in support of the ETO are also invited during this period.

6. Section 10(2) of the RTRA 1984 provides that an experimental traffic order may include provision empowering a specified officer of the Council who made the order (or another person authorised by that specified officer) to modify or suspend the operation of the order or any provision of it if it appears to him or her to be essential in the interests of the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of traffic; in the interests of providing suitable and adequate on-street parking facilities; and/or for preserving or improving the amenities of the area through which any road traffic affected by the order runs. Such provision has been included in the ETO.

7. Documents giving more detailed particulars are available for inspection during normal office hours on Mondays to Fridays, in the visitor’s reception area, London Borough of Hackney, Hackney Service Centre, 1 Hillman Street, London, E8 1DY by appointment only. Plans for proposed measures can be requested for inspection by emailing

8. Any person wishing to question the validity of the ETO or any of its provisions on the grounds that it is not within the powers of the relevant enabling Act or that a requirement of any such enabling Act or of any relevant regulations made there under has not been complied with may, within six weeks from the date on which the ETO was made, make application for this purpose to the High Court.

Dated this 6th day of September 2024

Tyler Linton

Assistant Director - Streetscene

(Duly appointed officer)