Town and Country Planning
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Brent (the “Council”) has made the above order on 12th September 2024, under Section 257 of the above Act. The effect of the order will be to:-
2.1 divert the existing footpath shown as a solid black line on the deposited Northwick Park Plan, drawing no. NP-STR-SWI-2600-DR-D-0312, between points 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -5 marked on the plan. The existing footpath commences at Watford Road designated as point 1 on the plan. It proceeds eastward to point 2, then continues northward to point 3, and subsequently turns northeastward to point 4. The footpath concludes at point 5, which is Northwick Park Station. The total length of the footpath is 651m.
2.2 create an alternative footpath instead shown as a dashed black line on the deposited Northwick Park Plan, drawing no. NP-STR-SWI-2600-DR-D-0312 and extends from point A to point R. The diverted footpath No. 100 will commence at Watford Road designated as point A on the plan, and proceed eastwards past point B, C, D and E, along Silver Birch Way. The footpath will then turn northbound at the junction of the unnamed road at points and G, following the juinction to cross the unnamed road to point G and I. Continuing eastwards on Silver Birch Way, the footpath will pass points J, K, L and M, where it rejoins the existing footpath at point N on Silver Birch Way. The footpath then continues eastwards to point O, where it makes a 90-degree turn northbound towards point P. It then turns northeastwards past point Q and terminates at point R, which is Northwick Park Station. The total length of the new footpath is 672m.
2.3 The diversion of the footpath is in accordance with planning permission granted under planning application 20/0677 for junction improvement works to the A404 (Watford Road), and the widening of the existing Northwick Park Hospital spine road to allow two-way traffic; pedestrian and cycle improvements and associated landscaping, public realm works and changes to the access.
3. A copy of the order and the plan may be inspected and requested free of charge at Brent Civic Centre, Main Reception Desk, Engineers Way, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 0FJ, during the civic centre opening hours.
4. Any representations about or objections to the order may be sent or delivered in writing, to the Head of Highways Management (FAO John Fletcher), 7th Floor North Wing, Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 0FJ or by email:, quoting the reference TSU/19/651PROW100/MS, no later than 10th October 2024, being 28 days following the date of this notice.
5. If no representations or objections are duly made, or if any so made are withdrawn, the Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Brent may itself confirm the order as an unopposed order. If the order is sent to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for confirmation any representations or objections which have not been withdrawn will be sent with the order.
6. The diversion of the footpath shall have effect on the date on which the Council confirms the order and certifies that the terms of Article 2 of this notice have been complied with or the date on which the Secretary of State confirms the order, as applicable.
Dated 12th September 2024
Tony Kennedy
Head of Highways Management