Resolutions for Winding-up

Argyll and ButeCity of EdinburghEH2 4ET55.95109-3.206974PA35 1HT56.41795-5.190603Insolvency Act 1986Companies Act 20062024-10-102024-10-11TSO (The Stationery Office),


Company Number: SC761753

Registered office: Interpath Ltd, 31 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET

Principal trading address: Brander Lodge Hotel, Bridge of Awe, Taynuilt, Argyll, PA35 1HT

Pursuant to chapter 2 of part 13 of the Companies Act 2006, the directors of the Company propose that

1. resolution 1 is passed as special resolution (Special Resolution); and

2. resolutions 2 and 3 are passed as ordinary resolutions (Ordinary Resolutions).

Special resolution:

1. That it has been proved (to the satisfaction of this meeting) that the Company can not by reason of its liabilities continue its business and it is advisable to wind up the same and, accordingly that the Company be wound up voluntarily in accordance with Chapter IV of Part IV of the Insolvency Act 1986.

Ordinary resolutions:

2. That Geoffrey Isaac Jacobs and Alistair McAlinden of lnterpath Ltd, 31 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET, be and are hereby appointed as Joint Liquidators of the Company.

3. That any power conferred on the Joint Liquidators by the Company, or by law, be exercisable by them jointly or by either of them alone.

Joint Liquidator: Geoffrey Isaac Jacobs (IP number 14590) of c/o Interpath Ltd, 31 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET.

Joint Liquidator: Alistair McAlinden (IP number 21950) of c/o Interpath Ltd, 31 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, EH2 4ET.

Date of Appointment: 10 October 2024

For further details contact Hannah Sedgwick on 0122 400 4789 or at

Date of Resolution: 10 October 2024