Notices under the Trustee Act 1925

St. AlbansAL3 6PH51.773594-0.323573TRUSTEE ACT 1925Trustee Act 1925TRUSTEE ACT 1925, s. 27Trustee Act 1925, s. 272024-10-312025-01-10TSO (The Stationery Office),



Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925 that the Trustees of the R. J. Kiln & Co Limited Pension and Assurance Scheme (the "Scheme"), intend to wind up the Scheme and use the assets to secure benefits by insurance policies in the names of each of the members or other beneficiaries of the Scheme.

The Trustees believe they have the names of everyone with a right to benefits under the Scheme. However, the following people are requested to write to the Trustees c/o, Gemmells, 9 Sandridge Park, Porters Wood, St Albans AL3 6PH or email

• any employee or former employee of R. J. Kiln & Co Limited or any associated company (including those based in Maidstone, Kent using the Link insurance branding) who believes that they were a member of the Scheme and who is not already receiving a pension in respect of their membership of the Scheme and has not already been contacted by the Trustees or Gemmells in relation to the securing of their benefits under the Scheme:

• any person who believes themselves to be a beneficiary of the Scheme as the spouse or dependant of a deceased member of the Scheme and has not already been contacted by the Trustees or Gemmells in relation to the securing of their benefits under the Scheme; and

• any other person who believes they have a claim against or an interest in the Scheme and has not already been contacted by the Trustees or Gemmells in relation to the securing of their benefits under the Scheme.

Claimants should provide their full name, address, date of birth, National Insurance number and either details of when they were a member of the Scheme or details of the basis of their claim.

Your claim must arrive on or before 10 January 2025. Late claims will not be accepted.

Claimants need not write if they have received correspondence about the buy-out of benefits of the Scheme from either the Trustees or Gemmells within the last 12 months.

As soon as reasonably practicable after 10 January 2025, the Trustees will proceed to wind up the Scheme, having regard only to the claims and interests of which they have prior notice and will not be liable to any person or persons for a claim of which they do not have notice.

For and on behalf of the Trustees of the R. J. Kiln & Co Limited Pension and Assurance Scheme.