Resolutions for Winding-up
(Company Number 12643479)
Registered office: 86-90 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NA
Principal trading address: ABC Officers, 58 Breckfield Road South, Liverpool L6 5DR
At a General Meeting of the above-named Company, duly convened, and held at The Old Bank, 187a Ashley Road, Hale, Cheshire, WA15 9SQ on 14 November 2024, at 11.30 am, the following resolutions were passed as a Special Resolution and Ordinary Resolution respectively:
“That the Company be wound up voluntarily, and that Darren Brookes (IP No. 9297) of Milner Boardman & Partners, The Old Bank, 187a Ashley Road, Hale, Cheshire, WA15 9SQ be appointed Liquidator of the Company.”
For further details contact: Antonia Pettener, Email:, Tel: 0161 927 7788.
Liam Sands, Director
14 November 2024
Ag WJ81973