Appointment of Liquidators

CamdenWokingKT14 6SD51.337226-0.504037N6 6AG51.561729-0.1506582024-11-122024-11-192024-11-20TSO (The Stationery Office),

Name of Company: LONDON SHELL CO. LTD

Company Number: 09782835

Trading Name: The Prince Regent

Nature of Business: Licensed Restaurants

Registered office: London Shell Co, Unit 4, Swains Lane, London, N6 6AG

Type of Liquidation: Creditors

Date of Appointment: 12 November 2024

Liquidator's name and address: Andrew R Bailey (IP No. 18810) and Martin C Armstrong (IP No. 6212) both of Turpin Barker Armstrong, 5 Park Court, Pyrford Road, West Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 6SD

By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors

Ag WJ81972