Resolutions for Winding-up

BurnleyBB11 5TT53.783182-2.2957832024-11-142024-11-202024-11-21TSO (The Stationery Office),


(Company Number 14585571)

Registered office: 1st Floor, The Portal, Bridgewater Close, Network 65, Burnley, BB11 5TT

Principal trading address: N/A

At a General Meeting of the above named Company duly convened and held virtually on 14 November 2024 the following Resolutions were duly passed as a Special and an Ordinary Resolution, respectively:

“That it has been resolved by Special Resolution that the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Jonathan Mark Taylor (IP No. 10570) of T H Financial Recovery, 1st Floor, The Portal, Bridgewater Close, Network 65, Burnley, BB11 5TT be appointed Liquidator for the purposes of the winding-up.”

Further details contact: The Liquidator, Tel: 01224 625 554.

Tracey Connor, Chair

14 November 2024

Ag WJ82119