Appointment of Liquidators
Company Number: 09863959
Name of Company: BLUE33 LIMITED
Nature of Business: Scheduled passenger air transport
Registered office: Grove House, Meridians Cross, Ocean Village, Southampton SO14 3TJ, having previously been Willan & Willan The Old Post Office, High Street, Hartley Wintney, Hook, RG27 8NZ
Principal trading address: 8 Gorsefield, Tattenhall, Chester, CH3 9HB
Type of Liquidation: Creditors Voluntary Liquidation
Liquidator's name and address: Joint Liquidator: Matthew Hoy (IP number 24550) of TruSolv Ltd, Grove House, Meridians Cross, Ocean Village, Southampton SO14 3TJ.
Liquidator's name and address: Joint Liquidator: Shane Biddlecombe (IP number 9425) of TruSolv Ltd, Grove House, Meridians Cross, Ocean Village, Southampton SO14 3TJ.
Date of Appointment: 21 November 2024
By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors
For further details contact Kay Lloyd on 0808 196 8676 or at