Appointment of Administrators
In the High Court of Justice
Business and Property Courts of England and Wales Court Number: CR-2024-006826
(Company Number 09726642 )
Trading Name: VFL Finance Solutions
Nature of Business: Other credit granting not elsewhere classified
Registered office: 7 Christie Way, Christie Fields, Manchester, M21 7QY (in the process of being changed to 2nd Floor Arcadia House, 15 Forlease Road, Maidenhead, SL6 1RX)
Principal trading address: 7 Christie Way, Christie Fields, Manchester, M21 7QY
Date of Appointment: 20 November 2024
Office Holder Details: Dina Devalia (IP No. 9179) and Frank Wessely (IP No. 007788) both of Quantuma Advisory Limited, 7th Floor 20 St Andrew Street, London, EC4A 3AG
For further details, please contact Anish Halai on 01628 478100 or by email at
Ag WJ82806