Appointment of Administrators
In the High Court of Justice Business and Property Courts in Leeds Insolvency and Companies List (ChD)
No CR-2024-LDS-001168.
(Company Number 10616065)
Trading Name: Transforming Lives, Electiva, Identite
Previous Name of Company: Transform Healthcare Holdings Limited
Nature of Business: Other human healthcare activities
Registered office: 132 Manchester Road, Rochdale, Greater Manchester, OL11 4JQ
Principal trading address: 132 Manchester Road, Rochdale, Greater Manchester, OL11 4JQ
Joint Administrator: Howard Smith (IP number 9341) of Interpath Advisory, Interpath Ltd, 4th Floor, Tailors Corner, Thirsk Row, Leeds, LS1 4DP.
Joint Administrator: Richard John Harrison (IP number 23330) of Interpath Advisory, Interpath Ltd, 10th Floor, One Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 1HW.
Date of Appointment: 27 November 2024
For further details contact Fay Dugmore on 0203 989 2779