1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the London Borough of Hackney, in accordance with the Section 90C of the Highway Act 1980 as amended proposes to introduce a raised speed table, as detailed in schedule 1 of this notice.
2. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the London Borough of Hackney, in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act Section 23 as amended proposes to remove two signalised crossings and introduce eight zebra crossings as detailed in the schedule 2 of this notice.
3. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Hackney proposes to make the above-mentioned Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended;
The general effect of the Orders will be as follows;
a) Amhurst Road
i) Introduction of Prohibition of motorised vehicles from the junction with Mare Street to the junction with Brett Road, operating 7am to 7pm. Access through the restrictions will be allowed for:
● Local buses (Buses as Public Service Vehicles)
● Emergency service vehicles and authorised vehicles being used for emergency services
● Hackney waste services
● HAC01 permit holders
● Pedal cycles
● Vehicles needing access for loading and unloading purposes within the zone.
ii) Install a restricted parking zone, with no loading or waiting except in signed bays - from the junction with Mare Street to a point 55 metres south of its junction with Dalston Lane (to include the 17m of highway that leads to Amhurst Road car park).
iii) Remove all parking bays on the north-western kerb opposite Travelodge.
iv) Remove all parking bays on the north-eastern kerbline of between the junction of Brett Road and Marcon Place and replace with no waiting or loading “at any time” restrictions.
v) Remove the existing loading bay outside No 72 and replace it with a zebra crossing.
vi) Revoke existing bus lane on south-western kerbline between the junctions of Mare Street and Pembury Circus.
vii) Remove the pay & display bays Amhurst Road (west) outside No 79-89 and replace with no waiting or loading “at any time” restrictions.
viii) Install a mandatory cycle on Amhurst Road (west) junction with Pembury Circus for a length of 38.3m in a westerly direction.
ix) Install a new 20m loading bay, from a point of the common boundary between No 84 & 86 in a north-westerly direction.
x) Prohibit right turn from Amhurst Road eastbound into Dalson Lane southwestbound.
xi) Remove existing prohibition of driving north of the junction with Marcon Place for a distance of 21m.
b) Dalston Lane
i) Prohibit right turn from Dalston Lane westbound into Pembury Road.
ii) Prohibit left turn from Dalston Lane northeastbound into Amhurst Road westbound.
iii) Install a mandatory cycle lane on Dalston Lane westbound nearside for 28m in a westerly direction.
iv) Install a mandatory cycle lane on Dalston Lane northeastbound nearside for 20m in a north-eastern direction.
c) Kenmure Road
i) Remove 2m of existing permit holder bay at the junction with Amhurst Road (north western kerbline only) and replace it with no waiting “at any time” restrictions.
d) Malpas Road
i) Remove 1m of existing permit holders bay at the junction with Amhurst Road on both kerb lines, and replace with no waiting “at any time” restrictions.
ii) Extend the existing permit holder bay close to the junction with Amhurst Road (north west kerbline) by 2m in a south-westerly direction.
e) Mare Street
i) Introduce a Prohibition of motor vehicles from the junction with Graham Road to the junction with Bohemia Place, operating 7am to 7pm. Access through the restrictions will be allowed for:
● Local buses (Buses as Public Service Vehicles)
● Emergency service vehicles and authorised vehicles being used for emergency services
● Hackney waste services
● HAC01 permit holders
● Pedal cycles
● Vehicles needing access for loading and unloading purposes within the zone
ii) Install a restricted parking zone with no loading or waiting except in signed bays, from the junction of Graham Road to the junction with Bohemia Place.
iii) Existing loading and disabled bay outside Iceland to be converted to a single bay operating as a loading bay for the use of Goods vehicles only between Midnight and 10am. Outside these hours “at any time” waiting restrictions will apply.
iv) Shorten the existing northbound bus lane between Wilton Way and Morning Lane to 16m.
v) Introduce new northbound bus lane between the junction of Morning Lane and Graham Road (offside), operating Monday - Sunday 7am to 7pm, except for cycles, emergency service vehicles and authorised vehicles (HAC01 permit holders, Hackney waste vehicles and vehicles needing access through the no motor vehicle prohibition north of Graham Road)
f) Pembury Road
i) Prohibit right turn from Pembury Road into Amhurst Road westbound.
ii) Prohibit left turn from Pembury Road into Dalston Lane eastbound.
4. Plans of the proposed locations can be viewed here - https://hackney.traffweb.app/traffweb/2/PublicConsultation Documents giving more detailed particulars are also available for inspection by email request to streetscene.consultations@hackney.gov.uk. Alternatively, such documents can be inspected during normal office hours on Mondays to Fridays, in the visitor’s reception area, London Borough of Hackney, Hackney Service Centre, 1 Hillman Street, London, E8 1DY by appointment only.
5. Any objections or other representations about either of the Orders should be sent in writing to Streetscene – Networks Team at the address specified in paragraph 4 above or emailed to streetscene.consultations@hackney.gov.uk within 21 days from the date on which this Notice is published. All objections must specify the grounds on which they are made.
Dated this 29th day of November 2024
Tyler Linton
Assistant Director - Streetscene
(Duly appointed officer)
Raised speed table
Note: The carriageway will be raised to install a raised speed table The maximum height of the table will be 100mm.
Pembury Place | junction with Pembury Road for a distance of 9.4m north westwards |
Zebra Crossing
Amhurst Road - west of the junction with Mare Street | 16.5 metres in southeasterly direction from point 2.2 metres southeast of the northwestern flank wall of 339 Mare Street. |
Amhurst Road - south of Brett Road | 16.5 metres in southeasterly direction from extension of southern kerbline of Brett Road |
Amhurst Road - north of Brett Road | 16.5 metres in northwesterly direction from point 3.5 metres northwest of extension of northern kerbline of Brett Road |
Amhurst Road - south of Kenmure Road | 16.5 metres in southeasterly direction from extension of southern kerbline of Kenmure Road |
Amhurst Road - north of Kenmure Road | 16.5 metres in northwesterly direction from point 3.4 metres northwest of extension of northern kerbline of Brett Road |
Amhurst Road - south of Marcon Place | 20.8 metres in southeasterly direction measured from the common boundary of 74 and 76 Amhurst Road |
Mare Street - south of the junction with Amhurst Road | 14.4 metres in northerly direction from point 4.4 metres north on eastern kerbline and 5.9m north on western kerbline of projection of common boundary between 336 and 338 Mare Street |
Mare Street - north of the junction with Amhurst Road | 20.5 metres in northerly direction from extension of southern kerbline of Bohemia Place |