Resolutions for Winding-up

OldhamStockportManchesterM2 3BD53.475731-2.244353OL4 5QZ53.534414-2.051332SK4 1BJ53.412614-2.1723962024-11-132024-11-272024-12-02TSO (The Stationery Office),


(Company Number 09008435)

Registered office: 26 Lane Drive, Grotton, Oldham, OL4 5QZ

Principal trading address: Higher Barry Street, off Georges Road, Stockport, SK4 1BJ

Notice is given that by written resolutions, the sole member of the company passed a special resolution that the company be wound up voluntarily, and an ordinary resolution appointing the Joint Liquidators for the purposes of the winding-up. The requisite voting majority was received on 13 November 2024

Martin Pawley, Director

13 November 2024

Joint Liquidator's Name and Address: Allan Cadman (IP No. 9522) of Xeinadin Corporate Recovery Limited, 100 Barbirolli Square, Manchester, M2 3BD. Telephone: 0161 832 6221.

Joint Liquidator's Name and Address: Charles Brook (IP No. 9157) of Xeinadin Corporate Recovery Limited, 100 Barbirolli Square, Manchester, M2 3BD. Telephone: 0161 832 6221.

For further information contact Emilia Daly at the offices of Xeinadin Corporate Recovery Limited on 01484 437432, or

27 November 2024