Notice of Intended Dividends

BirminghamSwindonCornwallB2 2JX52.495968-1.894209SN1 3AY51.555828-1.778102SN25 4GZ51.600608-1.794516SN5 5SG51.563407-1.838224TR26 2JB50.204639-5.490708the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 20161965-06-122005-07-052024-12-122024-12-162025-01-16TSO (The Stationery Office),

In the County Court at Swindon

No 229 of 2005


Person status: Formerly in bankruptcy

42 Victoria Road, Swindon, SN1 3AY; 114 Tamworth Drive, Shaw, SN5 5SG; 12 Cobbett Close, Abbeymeads, SN25 4GZ and 53 Porthia Road, St Ives, Cornwall, TR26 2JB

Birth details: 12/06/1965

Occupation: Post Person

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Rule 14.28 of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016, that I intend to declare a First & Final Dividend to Unsecured creditors. The final date for receiving proofs of debt is 16/01/2025. Proofs of debt should be delivered to the Official Receiver at the address below. Proofs of debt received after 16/01/2025 will be excluded from the dividend.

Office Holder Details:

Lindsey Haselgrove, Official Receiver

RTLU NW, PO.Box 16665, Birmingham, B2 2JX

Enquiry Line: 0300 6780 015

Order Date: 05/07/2005

Reference: PPI/ BKT00405418

Date of Appointment – 05/07/2005
