Town and Country Planning

City of EdinburghEH10 4SU55.927859-3.205595EH10 5BD55.932783-3.215688EH10 6BJ55.924378-3.205903EH12 5EL55.947644-3.219405EH12 5JD55.945525-3.228209EH12 6AU55.947194-3.23654EH12 7SB55.942387-3.280401EH12 9BS55.929093-3.325817EH1 2JU55.947486-3.19695EH13 0JU55.906877-3.260338EH13 0LS55.908393-3.269313EH14 1EF55.9142-3.24624EH14 6AD55.899537-3.294021EH15 1LX55.950814-3.118184EH15 2BP55.952503-3.108176EH15 2PT55.951059-3.10996EH16 5AA55.938177-3.176411EH16 5FF55.930177-3.173864EH16 5NR55.928576-3.172119EH2 1DF55.9546-3.196273EH2 1DR55.954466-3.198094EH2 2EN55.952426-3.197166EH2 3JF55.952031-3.20079EH2 4DR55.952534-3.20822EH2 4EQ55.950522-3.207228EH2 4NG55.953784-3.206225EH28 8PW55.934279-3.403567EH28 8RU55.922577-3.379156EH30 9HY55.988355-3.394899EH3 5HE55.961972-3.198614EH3 5NS55.963725-3.203122EH3 5QB55.967611-3.210917EH3 6QG55.956502-3.198461EH3 6QZ55.958183-3.200147EH3 6SS55.957567-3.205333EH3 6ST55.957326-3.206047EH3 7BD55.949953-3.212047EH3 7TQ55.951477-3.210573EH3 8BU55.94563-3.209478EH3 8DZ55.945987-3.213316EH3 9JR55.943192-3.203366EH4 1DE55.957835-3.223649EH4 3BA55.952644-3.217143EH4 3BY55.951809-3.221633EH4 3DA55.950736-3.220142EH4 3DP55.950491-3.225836EH6 4QE55.978067-3.192814EH6 6RA55.975507-3.17019EH6 6SS55.975967-3.16905EH6 7BZ55.978307-3.168672EH7 4HT55.961741-3.192745EH8 8BG55.951745-3.183934EH8 8DL55.952621-3.180645EH8 9AG55.944406-3.190306EH8 9LD55.943326-3.190481EH9 1BG55.935908-3.194704EH9 1HJ55.938421-3.194093EH9 1RP55.937133-3.172826EH9 1SN55.936119-3.178302EH9 2LL55.931752-3.182139EH9 2LW55.932259-3.180746EH9 3BF55.922048-3.1717452025-01-072025-01-10TSO (The Stationery Office),

The City of Edinburgh Council



Applications, plans and other documents submitted may be examined at Planning & Building Standards front counter, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh EH8 8BG between the hours of 8:30-5:00 Monday-Thursday & 8:30-3:40 on Friday. Written comments may be made quoting the application number to the Head of Planning & Building Standards within 21 days of the date of publication of this notice. You can view, track & comment on planning applications online at The application may have been subject to a pre-application consultation process & comments may have been made to the applicant prior to the application being submitted. Notwithstanding this, persons wishing to make representations in respect of the application should do so as above

David Givan

Chief Planning Officer

Proposal/Site Address

24/05802/FUL 129 St John's Road Edinburgh EH12 7SB Proposed conversion /sub-division of existing commercial property to form new first floor residential accommodation and retention of reduced ground floor commercial unit.

24/05827/FUL 21 Murrayfield Avenue Edinburgh EH12 6AU New-build ancillary accommodation within rear garden.

24/05865/FUL Bonnington Mains Quarry Cliftonhall Road Newbridge EH28 8PW Lateral extension to the quarry, erection and operation of Materials Recycling Plant (MRP), infilling of the quarry and restoration to the agricultural grassland.

24/05875/FUL 69 & Unit 1 & Unit 2 71 Morrison Street Edinburgh EH3 8BU Proposed refurbishment of the existing building to provide upgraded office space (Class 4), including change of use of ground floor retail unit and infill elements to create additional (Class 4) office floorspace.

24/05898/FULSTL 2F 2 Albyn Place Edinburgh EH2 4NG Application is to confirm change of use from residential to short term let for an existing and established short term let business operating since 2018 and currently legally licenced to operate as a short term let under Licence Number EH-69520-F.

24/05902/FUL 1 Dryden Place Edinburgh EH9 1RP Remove window, modify opening and install new double door and top light to rear; install footbridge to link new door to garden.

24/05939/FUL 3 Station Road South Queensferry EH30 9HY Proposed extension to the existing, wall-top mounted, stained timber and painted metal boundary fence.

24/05955/FUL 16B Bellfield Street Edinburgh EH15 2BP External alterations to former church building with associated access alterations.

24/05960/AMC Brooklea Blinkbonny Road Edinburgh EH14 6AD Approval of Matters Specified in Conditions 1, 2, 3 and 5 of consent 20/01337/PPP to erect 3x dwellings.

24/05969/FULSTL 15A Dundas Street Edinburgh EH3 6QG Use of the property known as Flat 4 as a serviced apartment (Sui Generis), in retrospect.

24/05997/FUL Flat X 2A Dean Path Edinburgh EH4 3BA Replace timber rooflights with conservation units; upgrade roundel window with slimline double-glazed unit; add compact terrace with timber folding doors and lightweight steel railings, replacing existing flat roof and windows; Remove non-load-bearing walls to adjust layout, expose historic features, and carry out general repairs and updates including new services.

24/06036/FUL 5 Bakehouse Close Edinburgh Alterations, landscaping and planting to walled garden of Acheson House.

24/06063/LBC 64 Dundas Street Edinburgh EH3 6QZ Alterations to form new bathroom and kitchen.

24/06068/FULSTL 2 Learmonth Crescent Edinburgh EH4 1DE Change of use from residential flat (Sui Generis) to short-term let (Sui Generis).

24/06074/FUL 4-6 Grassmarket Edinburgh EH1 2JU Installation of a mechanical retractable glass pergola on the existing roof terrace.

24/06085/FUL 112 Hanover Street Edinburgh EH2 1DR Proposed new signage and external alterations on listed building.

24/06098/LBC 116B Rose Street Edinburgh EH2 3JF Internal alterations to the shop layout.

24/06101/LBC 12B Grosvenor Crescent Edinburgh EH12 5EL Internal alterations to property. No external alterations /additions.

24/06106/FUL Ravelrig Quarry Long Dalmahoy Road Dalmahoy Kirknewton Extension of Ravelrig quarry to allow further extraction of hard rock; change of use from woodland and grassland to quarry.

24/06114/LBC Murchison House 10 Max Born Crescent Edinburgh EH9 3BF Installation of a new flue for a fume cupboard /glovebox.

24/06121/FUL Land 20 Metres West Of 24 Jordan Lane Edinburgh Erect new dwelling.

24/06122/FUL 44 Canaan Lane Edinburgh EH10 4SU Alter and upgrade the existing garage structure to meet current habitable Building Standards and to create a new kitchen, dining room and utility /pantry. It is proposed to strip and set aside, sound slate from the lower pitches, remove the roof structures over kitchen and garage and to reconstruct a pended, slated roof over all lower parts. It is proposed to form a bay extension, stone faced having a zinc roof and bifold screen. It is proposed to install a garden summer house.

24/06123/FUL 19 Thistle Street Edinburgh EH2 1DF Alterations and change of use of existing Class 1A office building to form a Class 7 guest house.

24/06137/FUL 5 & 5A Belford Park Edinburgh EH4 3DP Conversion of existing properties as a single dwelling with external landscaping works to enlarge the rear usable garden area and construct a replacement single garage to the front of the property.

24/06140/LBC 6-8 Douglas Gardens Edinburgh EH4 3DA Removal of 4 No. antennas, 2 No. cabinets and all ancillary development (inc. wooden louvres). Installation of 14 No. antennas, 1 No. cabinet and all ancillary development (inc. GRP louvres).

24/06142/FUL 8A Napier Road Edinburgh EH10 5BD Renewal of application 21/05149/FUL for new three-bedroom, two-storey house within the garden of 8A Napier Road, including minor alterations to existing house.

24/06146/FUL 11 East Claremont Street Edinburgh EH7 4HT Replacement of rotten timber stair, reinstatement of stone to rear elevation in areas of loss or damage and inclusion of ASHP in private garden.

24/06147/LBC 11 East Claremont Street Edinburgh EH7 4HT Replacement of rotten timber stair, reinstatement of stone to rear elevation in areas of loss or damage and inclusion of ASHP in private garden.

24/06150/FUL 22 James Gall Wynd Edinburgh EH16 5FF Garden room at lower ground floor.

24/06166/FULSTL Flat 1 49 Shore Edinburgh EH6 6RA Retrospective change of use from flat (Sui Generis) to short-term let (Sui Generis).

24/06170/LBC 1F1 25 Warrender Park Road Edinburgh EH9 1HJ Internal alteration to create new kitchen within existing bedroom, convert existing kitchen into bedroom, create new en-suite wholly within one existing bedroom, form new bathroom between two rear bedrooms, form new WC accessed from hallway, form new door opening between main bedroom and existing bathroom.

24/06173/LBC 181-183 Morrison Street Edinburgh EH3 8DZ Minor internal and external works.

24/06174/LBC 1, 3A & 4 Charlotte Square Edinburgh EH2 4DR Internal alterations to fabric including removal of non-original mezzanine level; removal of non-original partitions; structural slappings; re-establishing openings between No 3 and No 4 Charlotte Square; replacement of hallway doors with fire-rated doors; removal of dumbwaiter lift; replacement of vestibule double doors with single door; installation of new tea preps and new shower facilities. Also includes for erection of external bike stores beneath entrances of No 3 and No 4.

24/06176/FUL 181-183 Morrison Street Edinburgh EH3 8DZ Change of use of ground floor of #181 from vacant Class 1 unit to Adult Gaming Centre (AGC) (Sui Generis).

24/06178/FUL 181-183 Morrison Street Edinburgh EH3 8DZ Minor external alterations to shopfront.

24/06179/FUL 1-4 Charlotte Square Edinburgh EH2 4DR Change of use of #4 from house (Class 9) to office (Class 4); erection of external bike stores.

24/06184/LBC 3 Kellerstain House Gogar Station Road Edinburgh EH12 9BS Alter internal layout and erect a one storey extension.

24/06189/FUL 29 Home Street Edinburgh EH3 9JR Change of use from retail (Class 1A) to cafe (Class 3) and hot food takeaway (Sui Generis).

24/06190/FUL Telephone Box 15 Metres East Of 4 South Charlotte Street Edinburgh Removal and replacement of existing telephone box with single black digital communications kiosk and ancillary advertisement.

24/06197/FUL Telephone Box 10 Metres East Of 26-28 Home Street Edinburgh Removal and replacement of existing double telephone box with single black digital communications kiosk and ancillary.

24/06207/LBC 3B South Lauder Road Edinburgh EH9 2LL Ground floor extension and internal reconfigurations. Minor alterations to first floor. Loft conversion to create new second floor accommodations.

24/06208/FUL 3B South Lauder Road Edinburgh EH9 2LL Ground floor extension and internal reconfigurations to house. Minor reconfigurations at first floor. Attic conversion to create new second floor accommodations.

24/06209/FUL GF1 216 Newhaven Road Edinburgh EH6 4QE Replace existing conservatory and greenhouse with new extension.

24/06210/LBC GF1 216 Newhaven Road Edinburgh EH6 4QE Replace existing conservatory and greenhouse with new extension.

24/06211/FUL 13 Paties Road Edinburgh EH14 1EF Proposed works are for the demolition of existing rear lean-to extension and detached garage and erection of a single storey rear and side extension with associated internal alterations.

24/06215/FUL 30A Cluny Gardens Edinburgh EH10 6BJ Replacement of side porch and removal of garage in driveway. Erection of new garage and side porch to driveway. Replacement of rear doorset and widening of existing window. Sundry internal alterations.

24/06216/FUL 36 Inverleith Place Edinburgh EH3 5QB Alterations to garden flat: renovate existing sunroom, open-up kitchen, add WC /cloakroom.

24/06218/FUL Telephone Box 10 Metres East Of Frederick Street Edinburgh Removal and replacement of existing telephone box outside 18 Frederick Street with single black digital communications kiosk and ancillary advertisement and complete removal of telephone box outside 107 George Street.

24/06224/LBC Catchpell House 4 Carpet Lane Edinburgh EH6 6SS Internal and external alterations to ground, 1st and top floors.

24/06226/LBC 1F1 9 Canon Street Edinburgh EH3 5HE Replacement of wooden windows.

24/06230/LBC 19 Thistle Street Edinburgh EH2 1DF Alterations and change of use of existing Class 1A office building to form a Class 7 guest house.

24/06232/LBC 3F1 7 North West Circus Place Edinburgh EH3 6ST Proposal to alter the current building, by demolishing a non-loadbearing wall, to make room for a new main bathroom. It is to also re-instate an original doorway from bedroom access to existing bathroom, to make this an en-suite, so as the property can have 2 bathrooms in-line with modern living and use. The areas currently altered are not of use and not as per original listed structure.

24/06240/LBC 1F 26 Stafford Street Edinburgh EH3 7BD Alterations to replace various existing windows with new like-for-like Heritage slim double-glazed windows.

24/06241/FUL 9A Suffolk Road Edinburgh EH16 5NR Alterations to existing openings and creation of new opening to rear elevation, including reconfiguration of existing stone steps to suit. Installation of new timber gate /fence and ASHP.

24/06243/LBC 55 Salisbury Road Edinburgh EH16 5AA Formation of bathroom at entry level, formation of en-suite bedroom at first level and bathroom and addition of kitchen facilities and new bedroom in attic level for an improved living arrangement.

24/06245/LBC 2-6 Calton Road Edinburgh EH8 8DL Addition of a vertical internally illuminated projecting lettering sign wall mounted on a metal bracket and a projecting light box sign both fixed to the existing external wall. Rearranged internal layout.

24/06252/FUL 8 Sunbury Place Edinburgh EH4 3BY Convert attic space into additional bedroom with WC. Form openings in pitched roof on east and west elevation and form velux rooflights and dormer.

24/06253/LBC 1F 28 Fountainhall Road Edinburgh EH9 2LW Internal alterations to form en-suite shower room and wardrobe within rear first floor room in previously converted building.

24/06256/LBC 5 Tower Place Edinburgh EH6 7BZ Alter internal layout of proposed flats as approved under planning ref 22/03393/FUL. External alterations. Cut down window opening to form new entrance door. Alter window to form emergency escape window. Addition of cast iron downpipes, addition of ventilation grills to north and south elevations.

24/06259/LBC 16 Hanover Street Edinburgh EH2 2EN Internal alterations to retail unit and new fascia signage.

24/06263/LBC 3F1 120 Marchmont Road Edinburgh EH9 1BG Window replacement from timber sash and case to timber vertical rising.

24/06264/LBC The Bridge Inn 27 Baird Road Ratho Newbridge EH28 8RU Formation of new 2 storey bedroom wing extension to side of existing inn and associated car park alterations.

24/06266/FUL 5 Tower Place Edinburgh EH6 7BZ Change of use granted 2022 ref 22/03393/FUL. Planning officer requested fresh planning application to cover internal / external alterations so that planning and listed building applications are coordinated. Formation of new entrance door to flat 3, addition of down pipes and vents, changes to internal layout. Creation of emergency escape window.

24/06269/LBC 11 Upper Gray Street Edinburgh EH9 1SN Internal alterations include the removal of a section of wall between sitting room and dining room and build up doors, the removal of existing back shower, reconfigure back vestibule.

24/06270/FUL Telephone Kiosk South St Andrew Street Edinburgh Removal and replacement of existing telephone box outside 11-13 South St Andrews Street with single black digital communications kiosk and ancillary advertisement and complete removal of telephone box outside Waverley Station (Waverley Bridge).

24/06275/LBC 1F 3 Randolph Place Edinburgh EH3 7TQ Proposed internal alterations to first floor including reinstatement of original room and new door openings.

24/06277/LBC 13 Inverleith Terrace Edinburgh EH3 5NS Alteration and refurbishment of an existing category 'B' listed terraced townhouse property, including new external stairs and terrace barriers to replace existing at the rear of the property. Proposals include the upgrade of existing single glazed windows. Alterations include reconfiguration of main kitchen, and small changes and reconfigurations of existing bathrooms.

24/06284/FUL 10 Spylaw Park Edinburgh EH13 0LS Alter house to provide a balcony on the rear elevation.

24/06285/LBC 10 Spylaw Park Edinburgh EH13 0LS Alter house to provide a balcony on the rear elevation.

24/06288/FUL Newfield Recreation Grounds 60 Inverleith Place Edinburgh Replacement of lighting columns /lamps to two synthetic pitches with new slimline steel columns, directional LED lamps, replacement of synthetic turf surfaces and associated hardstanding, resubmission to 24/04833/FUL.

24/06290/FUL 48 Brighton Place Edinburgh EH15 1LX Redevelop the front garden & driveway configuration at the front of the property. Includes a reduced driveway area with a permeable surface, comprising of type one sub-base, whin sand, gravel stabilisation matting and flint gravel infill. Increased planting incorporating feature trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants to increase biodiversity. Threshold of reclaimed cobbles to complement the newly upgraded road and prevent gravel spilling onto the highway. EV charging point included.

24/06292/FUL 21 Hope Lane North Edinburgh EH15 2PT Internal alterations, new external opening to back garden and installation of rooflights.

24/06293/FUL 13 Inverleith Terrace Edinburgh EH3 5NS Alteration and refurbishment of an existing terraced townhouse property, including new external stairs and terrace barriers to replace existing at the rear of the property. Proposals include the upgrade of existing single glazed windows. Alterations include reconfiguration of main kitchen, and small changes and reconfigurations of existing bathrooms.

24/06296/LBC 22-23 Teviot Place Edinburgh EH8 9AG Internal alterations, within Doorway 1 and 6 to provide suitable student and staff accommodation to facilitate the relocation of the school of Health in Social Science.

24/06297/LBC Forrest Hill Building 5 Forrest Hill Edinburgh Internal alterations to Level 2 and 3 of Forrest Hill Building to create adequate accommodation to facilitate the relocation of PPLS.

24/06306/LBC Flat 4 18 Royal Circus Edinburgh EH3 6SS Replacement of existing sash windows on a like-for-like basis with new windows, custom-fitted with slimline IGUs. All historical detail to be matched /reinstated.

24/06341/LBC 3 Spylaw House 25 Spylaw Street Edinburgh EH13 0JU Replacement of existing windows on a like-for-like basis with new windows, custom fitted with slimline IGUs. All historical detail to be matched /reinstated.

25/00006/FUL The Lodge Hotel 6 Hampton Terrace Edinburgh EH12 5JD Extension to the hotel to create a lounge area and additional shower room.

25/00009/LBC 23A George Square Edinburgh EH8 9LD Proposal to extend first floor to span the full depth of the building over what is currently a double height ceiling.

25/00010/LBC 142-144 Princes Street Edinburgh EH2 4EQ Proposal is to remove the existing bronze 'brick' style rollers shutters to the main Princes Street elevation and replace them with new roller shutters to the same bronze colour but with perforated pattern. Current shutters are to easy to climb and are being subjected to constant damage.