Statement by General Partner

LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS ACT 1907Limited Partnerships Act 1907Limited Partnerships Act 1907, s. 102025-01-012025-01-09TSO (The Stationery Office),


(Registered No. )

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 10 of the Limited Partnerships Act 1907, that with effect from 1 January 2025, each of Arcano Capital X FCR and Arcano Capital XI, FCR (the “Departing Limited Partners”) transferred to Clipway 101 GP S.à r.l (the “New Limited Partner”) 72.2% of its interest held in Amadeus III (the “Partnership”), a limited partnership registered in England and Wales with number LP010984 and that with effect from 1 January 2025, the Departing Limited Partners ceased to be limited partners in the Partnership and the New Limited Partner became a limited partner in the Partnership.

For and on behalf of Amadeus Capital Partners Limited

in its capacity as manager of the Partnership