Notices under the Trustee Act 1925

SheffieldS9 1XH53.395637-1.385466TRUSTEE ACT 1925Trustee Act 1925TRUSTEE ACT 1925, s. 272025-01-132025-03-312025-04-01TSO (The Stationery Office),



Notice is hereby given that the trustee of the Clement Clarke (Holdings) 1990 Pension Scheme ('the Scheme'), is intending to distribute the assets of the Scheme in accordance with the Scheme's governing documentation. Therefore, the following persons are requested to write to the trustee at the address given below, on or before 31 March 2025:

• Any employee or former employee of Clement Clarke International Limited, Clement Clarke Communications Limited, Haag-Streit UK Limited or John Weiss & Son Limited who believes that he/she was a member of the Scheme and who is not already receiving a pension in respect of his/her membership of the Scheme;

• Any person who believes themselves to be a beneficiary of the Scheme as a widow, widower or dependant of a deceased member of the Scheme;

• Any other person who believes they have a claim against, or an interest in, the Scheme.

Claimants should provide their full name, address, date of birth, National Insurance number and details of when they were members of the Scheme.

After 1 April 2025, the trustee may proceed to distribute the Scheme's assets among the persons entitled to them having regard only to the claims of which written notice shall have been received by the trustee and the interest of those members of the Scheme of whom they have knowledge.

The trustee shall not be liable to any person of whose claim, demand or interest they then have not had notice in respect of the assets of the Scheme or any part of it so distributed.

Please note that if you have received any correspondence from or on behalf of the trustee within the last three years then they are aware of your benefits within the Scheme and there is no need to make a claim.

The trustee of the Clement Clarke (Holdings) 1990 Pension Scheme

c/o Gavin Anderson

Broadstone Corporate Benefits Limited

11 Europa View

Sheffield Business Park


S9 1XH