Qualifying Decision Procedure

RochdalePendleBB9 5EG53.825366-2.23773OL16 2QD53.633227-2.12752the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 20162024-10-172025-01-232025-01-242025-02-06TSO (The Stationery Office), customer.services@thegazette.co.uk479747964640


Company Number: (11728476)

Registered office: Office 007 Northlight Parade, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 5EG

Principal trading address: 74 Tarnside Close, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL16 2QD

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Rule 15.13 of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016, that the Liquidator of the above-named Company (the ‘convener’) is seeking a decision from creditors on Remuneration, Category 2 Disbursements and to form a committee by way of correspondence.

A creditor’s vote by correspondence must be received by no later than 23.59 hours on 06 February 2025 (the ‘decision date’). Details of how to cast a vote are included in the correspondence delivered to creditors. If any creditor has not received this correspondence or requires further information please contact the Liquidator using the details below.

In order to be counted a creditor’s vote must be accompanied by a proof in respect of the creditor’s claim (unless it has already been given). A creditor’s vote will be disregarded if their proof in respect of their claim is not received on or before the decision date. A creditor who has opted out from receiving notices may nevertheless vote if the creditor provides a proof of debt in the requisite time frame. Proofs may be delivered to Office 007 Northlight Parade, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 5EG

Resolutions to be voted upon:

1.) Fee Resolution: That the Liquidator’s fees be approved on a combination of a fixed fee basis for different categories of work - The Liquidator's fees for dealing with Administrative, Statutory and compliance matters, Investigations and employees, as well as dealing with creditors be calculated by reference to a fixed fee for attending to matters arising in the insolvency to completion, and the Liquidator be authorised to draw fees on account, as and when funds permit, if available.

2.) Fee Resolution: That the Liquidator’s fees be approved at 25% of the asset realisations.- The Liquidator's fees for dealing with Asset Realisations and Debtors be calculated by reference to a percentage of Gross realisations in attending to these matters arising in the insolvency realisations from the date of Paul George’s appointment to completion, and the Liquidator be authorised to draw fees on account, as and when funds permit, if available.

3.) Fee Resolution: That the Liquidator be authorised to recover category 2 expenses as set out in the practice fee recovery policy. - The basis of the Liquidator's category 2 disbursements be approved and that the disbursements may be reimbursed to the Liquidator as and when funds permit.

Date of Appointment: 17 October 2024

Office Holder Details: Paul George (IP No. 9361) of Business Helpline Group Limited, Office 007, Northlight Parade, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 5EG

Further details contact: Paul George, Email: claims@businesshelpline.uk. Alternative contact: Nicole Sharples, Tel: 0800 088 2142.

Paul George, Liquidator

23 January 2025

Ag YJ101978