Road Traffic Acts

City and County of the City of LondonIslingtonEC2P 2EJ51.524567-0.112017EC2V 7HH51.516073-0.092824Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984Road Traffic Regulation Act 19842025-02-062025-05-27TSO (The Stationery Office),

City of London


Amendments to doctors parking places, disabled persons parking places, motor cycle parking places, payment parking places, ‘at any time’ waiting and loading restrictions, Electric Scooter and Pedal Cycle and Cycle Hire parking places. In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 6 and 124 of, and Part IV of Schedule 9 to, the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and of all other powers,

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of London has made the orders set out in section 1 to this notice, with the effect set out in section 2 to this notice, by amending the orders set out in section 3 to this notice.

1. The following orders will be made and shall become effective on 27th May 2025;

(a) The City of London (Doctor Parking Places) (Amendment No. 2) Order 2025

(b) The City of London (Parking Places) (Amendment No. 20) Order 2025

(c) The City of London (Free Parking Places) (Disabled Persons) (Amendment No. 6) Order 2025

(d) The City of London (Free Parking Places) (Motor Cycles) (Amendment No. 12) Order 2025

(e) The City of London (Electric Scooter and Pedal Cycle Parking) (Amendment No. 3) Order 2025

(f) The City of London (Waiting and Loading Restriction) (Amendment No. 15) Order 2025

2. The orders set out in section 1 to this notice will have the following effect;

Finsbury Circus to:-

(a) Relocate the doctor’s parking place from the eastern side of the outer kerbline of the rotunda to the northern side of the eastern arm of Finsbury Circus to from a point 7 metres east of the extended outer kerb-line of the rotunda, eastward for a distance of 12.5 metres.

(b) Relocate north-eastwards and introduce an additional disabled persons parking place on the north-west side of the outer edge of the rotunda.

(c) Revoke two disabled persons parking places on the south-west side of the outer edge of the rotunda.

(d) Relocate the two disabled persons parking places from the eastern arm to the outer edge of the rotunda, the north-east side, from a point 35 metres north of the northern kerbline of the eastern arm of Finsbury Circus north-westward for a distance of 13.2 metres.

(e) Revokes the Electric Scooter and Cycle Hire Pedal Cycle Parking Place on the inner kerbline of the rotunda either side of the south entrance to the gardens.

(f) Revokes the Electric Scooter and Cycle Hire Pedal Cycle Parking Place on north- west side of the inner kerbline of the rotunda north-east of the west entrance to the gardens.

(g) Revokes the Pedal Cycle Parking Place on the inner kerbline of the rotunda near the south entrance to the gardens.

(h) Revokes the payment parking places on the outer kerbline of the rotunda on the northern side.

(i) Introduces an Electric Scooter and Cycle Hire Pedal Cycle Parking Places on the inner kerbline of the rotunda:

a. from a point 6 metres south of the extended southern kerb-line of the eastern arm of Finsbury Circus south-westwards for a distance of 15 metres;

b. from a point 4 metres south of the western entrance to the gardens, clockwise for a distance of 15 metres.

(j) Introduces an Electric Scooter and Cycle Hire Pedal Cycle Parking Places on the south side of the eastern arm, from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Blomfield Street westwards for a distance of 11 metres.

(k) Extend the motor cycle parking place on the south side of the eastern arm by 12 metres.

(l) Shorten the motor cycle parking place on north eastern rotunda opposite number 18 on the inner or garden side by 9 metres, to a total length of 36 metres.

(m) Relocate the motor cycle parking place on the east side of the inner or garden side to a point 4 metres north of the north side of the west gateway, extending clockwise for a distance of 23 metres.

(n) Revoke the motor cycle parking places on the north side of the inner or garden side on both sides of the north gateway.

(o) Amends the payment parking places on the inner kerbline of the southern side of the rotunda.

(p) Introduces 18 payment parking places on the inner kerbline of the rotunda to the west of the northern entrance to the gardens.

(q) Introduces 11 payment parking places on the inner kerbline of the rotunda to the east of the northern entrance to the gardens.

(r) Introduce at any time waiting and loading restrictions to cover all raised carriageway sections;

(s) Introduces no waiting at any time restrictions on:

a. both sides of the carriageway of the rotunda outside the western entrance to the gardens.

b. both sides of the carriageway of the rotunda, outside the northern entrance to the gardens.

c. the inner kerbline of the rotunda, opposite the eastern arm of Finsbury Circus.

d. the inner kerbline of the rotunda, opposite circus place.

e. the outer kerbline of the Finsbury Circus rotunda, north of the northern kerbline of the eastern arm for 9 metres.

(t) Revokes the at any time loading restrictions on:

a. the outer kerbline of the south side of the rotunda, from a point 8 metres east of the eastern kerb-line of Circus Place, eastwards for 39 metres.

b. the outer kerbline of the south side of the rotunda, from a point 8 metres west of the western kerb-line of Circus place, westwards for 14 metres.

c. eastern arm, south side, for a distance of 13.9 metres at junction of Blomfield Street

(u) Introduces no loading at any time restrictions at:;

a. both sides of the eastern arm at its junction with Blomfield Street

b. both sides of the eastern arm at its junction with Finsbury Circus

c. both sides (inner and outer kerblines of the Rotunda) of Finsbury Circus at its junction with the eastern arm of Finsbury Circus

d. both sides (inner and outer kerblines of the Rotunda) of Finsbury Circus at its junction with Circus Place

e. both sides (inner and outer kerblines of the Rotunda) of Finsbury Circus at its junction with the western pedestrian entrance to the gardens

f. both sides (inner and outer kerblines of the Rotunda) of Finsbury Circus at the northern entrance to the gardens

3. The orders will be made by amending the following orders;

(a) The City of London (Doctor Parking Places) Order 2010 (as amended)

(b) The City of London (Parking Places) (Consolidation No. 1) Order 2018 (as amended)

(c) The City of London (Free Parking Places) (Disabled Persons) (No. 4) Order 2013 (as amended)

(d) The City of London (Free Parking Places) (Motor Cycles) (Consolidation No. 1) Order 2017 (as amended)

(e) The City of London (Electric Scooter and Pedal Cycle Parking) (No. 1) Order 2022 (as amended)

(f) The City of London (Waiting and Loading Restriction) (Consolidation No. 2) Order 2021 (as amended)

4. Copies of the Orders, which will come into operation on 27th May 2025, the statement of reasons for making the Orders and plans can be inspected during normal office hours on Monday to Fridays inclusive for a period of six weeks from the date on which the Orders were made at the Technology Support Desk, North Wing, Guildhall, London, EC2V 7HH or on the City of London website at

5. Further information and copies of the documents may be obtained from Policy & Projects, City of London, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ or by telephone No. 020 7332 3970 or email to, quoting reference: FinsCirc.

6. Any person desiring to question the validity of the Orders or of any provision contained therein on the grounds that it is not within the powers of the relevant section of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, or that any of the relevant requirements thereof or of any relevant regulations made thereunder has not been complied with may, within six weeks from the date on which the Orders were made, make an application for the purpose to the High Court.

Dated 6th February 2025

Ian Hughes, Director, City Operations