Appointment of Liquidators
Name of Company: BLAST, SPRAY & POLISH LTD
Company Number: 06664618
Nature of Business: Other service activities not elsewhere classified
Registered office: Unit 5 Ilford Trading Estate, Paycocke Road, Basildon, SS14 3DR and it is in the process of being changed to 18a Capricorn Centre, Cranes Farm Road, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3JJ
Type of Liquidation: Creditors
Date of Appointment: 26 February 2025
Liquidator's name and address: Gary Thompson (IP No. 26370) and David Meany (IP No. 9453) both of Quantuma Advisory Limited, 18a Capricorn Centre, Cranes Farm Road, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3JJ
By whom Appointed: Creditors
Ag AK120246