Meetings of Creditors
(Company Number 07752881)
Registered office: Black Bull House, 353-355 Station Road, Bamber Bridge, Preston, PR5 6EE
Office Holder: Stuart John Rathmell
Office Holder No: 10050
Address: Stuart Rathmell Insolvency, Egyptian Mill, Egyptian Street, Bolton BL1 2HS
Contact Number: 01204 867615
NOTICE IS GIVEN by the Board of Directors to the creditors of the above company, that a virtual meeting of creditors has been summoned under section 100 of The Insolvency Act 1986, for the purpose of seeking resolutions on the following:
i. The appointment of a Liquidator of the Company.
ii. That the Liquidator's fees will be charged by reference to the time properly spent by them and their staff in dealing with the matters relating to the Liquidation, such time to be charged at the hourly charge out rate of the grade of staff undertaking the work at the time the work is undertaken and subject to the fees estimate set out in the report prepared in connection with fee approval and issued with the notice of the meeting.
iii. That the Liquidator be permitted to recover category 2 disbursements.
iv. That the liquidator be allowed to appoint agents and solicitors of his choice, if and when necessary.
v. The appointment of a liquidation committee
Creditors should note that:
1. Members will consider the winding up resolution on 5 March 2025.
2. The Directors are required to make out a statement of affairs of the Company and provide a copy to all creditors before 5 March 2025 the decision date, and before the period of 7 days beginning with the day after the day on which the company passes a resolution for winding up.
3. The meeting will be held as follows:
Date: 5 March 2025, The Decision Date.
Time: 10:05 am
4. Access to the virtual meeting can be gained by calling the nominated liquidated on 01204 867615 to arrange access.
5. Creditors entitled to attend and vote at the meeting may do so personally or by proxy. A creditor can attend the virtual meeting and vote and are entitled to vote if they have submitted proof of their debt by no later than 4 p.m. on the business day before the meeting. Failure to do so may lead to their vote(s) being disregarded.
6. Any creditor unable to attend in person but wishing to vote at the meeting can either nominate a person to attend on their behalf or nominate the Chair of the meeting to vote on their behalf. Creditors must have delivered their proxy in advance of the meeting.
7. All proofs of debt and proxies must be delivered to Stuart Rathmell Insolvency, Egyptian Mill, Egyptian Street, Bolton BL1 2HS
8. Creditors with small debts, that is claims of £1,000 or less, must have lodged proof of their debt for their vote to be valid.
9. Creditors may, at any time prior to 5 March 2025, the Decision Date, request that a physical meeting of creditors be held to determine the outcome of the resolutions. Any request for a physical meeting must be delivered to Stuart Rathmell Insolvency, Egyptian Mill, Egyptian Street, Bolton BL1 2HS and be accompanied by valid proof of their debt (if not already lodged). A meeting will be convened if creditors requesting a meeting represent a minimum of 10% in value or 10% in number of creditors or simply 10 creditors, where "creditors" means "all creditors."
10. Creditors have the right to appeal the decision made by the resolution(s) by applying to court under Rule 15.35 of the Insolvency Act within 21 days of the 5 March 2025.
11. The Chair of the meeting may adjourn or suspend the meeting if necessary, and must do so if so resolved by creditors.
12. Any creditors excluded from the meeting, may complain to the chair during the meeting, or the convener of the meeting by no later than 4 p.m. the business day following the exclusion, in accordance with rule 15.38.
13. A list of names and addresses of the Company's creditors will be available for inspection free of charge at Stuart Rathmell Insolvency, Egyptian Mill, Egyptian Street, Bolton BL1 2HS between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on the two business days prior to the meeting. Creditors can contact Stuart Rathmell Insolvency on 01204 867615 or by email at
By Order of the Board
Shaun Kempson
19 February 2025