Qualifying Decision Procedure

EnfieldEN3 5AX51.655647-0.0479932025-03-052025-03-252026-04-15TSO (The Stationery Office), customer.services@thegazette.co.uk482878364674

In the High Court of Justice

No C2024 MAN000540.


Company Number: (09764109)

In Administration

This Notice is given under Rule 15.8 of the Insolvency (England & Wales) Rules 2016 (the "Rules"). It is delivered by the Administrator of the Company, Engin Faik, of Cornerstone Business Turnaround and Recovery Limited, 136 Hertford Road, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 5AX (telephone number 020 3793 3338), who was appointed by the superior qualifying floating charge holder.

The Administrator proposes that the following decisions be made:

1. That the period of the Administration and the Administrator s term of office be extended to 15 April 2026.

2. That a Creditors` Committee will not be established.

The reason(s) for the requested extension is/are as follows:

i. To provide additional time to enable me to continue my investigations into the quantum of secured creditors claims and the order in which secured creditors are entitled to be paid.

ii. To allow further time to sell the property owned by the Company.

Please also find attached a voting form on which creditors may signify their decisions on the above matters. All voting forms, together with a proof of debt if one has not already been submitted, must be completed and returned to the Administrator by one of the methods set out below:

By post to: Cornerstone Business Turnaround and Recovery Limited, 136 Hertford Road, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 5AX

By fax to: 020 3793 3341

By email to: Eren@cornerstonerecovery.co.uk

Please note that, if you are sending votes by post, you must ensure that you have allowed sufficient time for the forms to be delivered to the address above by the time set out below. Unless the contrary is shown, an email is treated as delivered at 9am on the next business day after it was sent.

All voting forms and proofs of debt must be delivered by 23.59 on the Decision Date, being 25 March 2025.

If the Administrator has not received a proof of debt by the time specified above (whether submitted previously or as a result of this Notice), that creditor`s vote will be disregarded . Any creditor whose debt is treated as a small debt in accordance with Rule 14.31(1) of the Rules must still deliver a proof if the creditor wishes to vote. A creditor who has opted out from receiving notices may nevertheless vote if the creditor also provides a proof by the time specified above.

Creditors who meet one or more of the statutory thresholds listed below may, within 5 business days from the date of the delivery of this Notice, require a physical meeting to be held to consider the matter.

Statutory thresholds to request a meeting: 10% in value of the creditors, 10% in number of the creditors, 10 creditors

A creditor may appeal a decision by application to the court in accordance with Rule 15.35 of the Rules. Any such appeal must be made not later than 21 days after the Decision Date.

If the extension is granted, a notice of the extension will be made available for viewing and downloading on a website and no other notice will be delivered to the creditors. The details to access the notice are:

Website address: https://www.ips-docs.com/creditor/W014/61C158B4-B29B-4328-AF47-62C3EA45E3C7

Username: W014

Password: 09764109

You may request a hard copy of the notice by contacting Eren Faik the Administrator by phone, fax or email as set out above.

Engin Faik, Administrator