Resolutions for Winding-up

OldhamRochdaleBoltonBuryBL0 9AY53.645763-2.317372BL6 4SD53.577272-2.53446M24 4LA53.557761-2.220281OL2 6HT53.56078-2.1107992025-02-272025-03-032025-03-06TSO (The Stationery Office),


Trading Name: T/A Little Miracles Daycare

(Company Number 09426568)

Registered office: 18/19 Salmon Fields Business Village, Royton, Oldham, OL2 6HT

Principal trading address: Langley Children's Centre, Windermere Road, Manchester, M24 4LA, and, Little Miracles Daycare, Kay Brow, Ramsbottom, Bury, BL0 9AY

Notice is given that by written resolutions, the members of the company passed a special resolution that the company be wound up voluntarily, and an ordinary resolution appointing the Joint Liquidators for the purposes of the winding-up. The requisite voting majority was received on 27 February 2025

Jill Evans, Director

27 February 2025

Joint Liquidator's Name and Address: Craig Johns (IP No. 013152) of Cowgills Limited, Fourth Floor, Unit 5B, The Parklands, Bolton, BL6 4SD.

Joint Liquidator's Name and Address: Jason Mark Elliott (IP No. 9496) of Cowgills Limited, Fourth Floor, Unit 5B, The Parklands, Bolton, BL6 4SD.

For further information contact Hannah Brown at the offices of Cowgills Limited on 0161 827 1217, or

3 March 2025