Resolutions for Winding-up
(Company Number 12108716)
Registered office: C/o Parker Walsh, Suite C, Victoria House, Bramhall, Cheshire, SK7 2BE (Formerly) Unit F Whiteacres, Cambridge Road, Whetstone, Leicestershire, LE8 6ZG
Principal trading address: 24 Stafford Drive, Leicester, LE18 4YA
At a General Meeting of the Members of the above-named Company, duly convened, and held at Suite C, Victoria House, Bramhall, Cheshire, SK7 2BE on 14 March 2025 at 10.45 am the following resolutions were passed by the Members as a Special resolution and as an Ordinary resolution:
"That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Molly Monks (IP No. 19830) of Parker Walsh, Suite C, Victoria House, Bramhall, Cheshire SK7 2BE be appointed Liquidator of the Company."
Further details contact: The Liquidator, Tel: 0161 546 8143, Email:
Matthew Waters, Chair
17 March 2025
Ag AK122261