Meetings of Creditors
Trading Name: Furniture Centre Coalisland, Furniture Next Day, Décor Furniture
(“the Company”)
(Company Number NI604643)
Registered office: 7 Washingbay Road, Coalisland, Dungannon, Northern Ireland, BT71 4ND
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Article 84 of the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989, that a Meeting of Creditors of the above-named Company will be held at 12:30pm at the offices of CavanaghKelly, 36–38 Northland Row, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, BT71 6AP, on 02 April 2025 for the purposes mentioned in Articles 85 to 87 of the said Order.
Creditors entitled to attend and vote at the meeting may do so personally or by proxy. A creditor can attend the meeting in person and vote and is entitled to vote if they have delivered proof of their debt by no later than 12.00 noon on the business day before the meeting. If a creditor cannot attend in person or does not wish to attend but still wishes to vote at the meeting, they can either nominate a person to attend on their behalf, or they may nominate the Chair of the meeting, who will be a director of the Company, to vote on their behalf. Creditors must deliver their proxy by no later than 12.00 noon on the business day before the meeting. Creditors must deliver all proofs of their debt and proxies to CavanaghKelly, 36–38 Northland Row, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, BT71 6AP. Creditors failing to lodge a proof of their debt or proxy as indicated will lead to their vote(s) being disregarded.
Unless they surrender their security, secured creditors must give particulars of their security, the date when it was given and the estimated value at which it is assessed if they wish to vote at the meeting.
The resolutions at the creditors’ meeting may include a resolution specifying the terms on which any office holder is to be remunerated. The meeting may receive information about, or be asked to approve, cost of preparing the statement of affairs and convening the meeting.
A list of the names and addresses of the company's creditors will be available for inspection free of charge from CavanaghKelly 36-38 Northland Row, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, BT71 6AP on the two business days immediately preceding the meeting between the hours of 10.00 am and 4.00 pm. Alternatively, the list may be requested from Melissa Hetherington by emailing, or phoning (028) 8775 2990.
Dated this 19th DAY OF MARCH 2025
By Order of the Board
Fionnuala Rafferty, Director