
LewishamSE6 4RU51.445254-0.020153Highways Act 1980Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s. 232025-03-21TSO (The Stationery Office), customer.services@thegazette.co.uk4844039

London Borough of Lewisham


Notice is hereby given that the London Borough of Lewisham, in exercise of their powers under Section 90(A) to (I) (inclusive) of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended) propose to introduce physical measures to improve safety and reduce vehicle speeds in Hither Green Lane SE13. The type of physical measures and its location is as detailed below:-

1. Flat Top Road Table – centred at a point 1.41m south-east of the property boundary line between Nos.143 and 145 Hither Green Lane, 75mm in height with a 6m plateau and 1.5m long ramps at a gradient of 1:20, extending across the full width of the carriageway;

2. Flat Top Road Table – centred at a point 1.61 south-east of the property boundary line between Nos. 173 and 175 Hither Green Lane, 75m in height with a 6m plateau and 1.5m long ramps at a gradient of 1:20, extending across the full width of the carriageway.

Proposed “Raised” Zebra Pedestrian Crossings – Hither Green Lane SE13

Notice is hereby given that the London Borough of Lewisham, in exercise of their powers under Section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended), and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Section 23(2)(A) of the said Act 1984, propose to install 2 Zebra Crossings on the following lengths of Hither Green Lane SE13 as detailed below:-

1. a Zebra Crossing centred at a point 1.41m south-east of the property boundary line of Nos.143/145 Hither Green Lane and will measure 2.4m between the studs;

2. a Zebra Crossing centred at a point 1.61 south-east of the property boundary line between Nos. 173 and 175 Hither Green Lane and will measure 3.2m between the studs.

The proposed zebra pedestrian crossings would be situated on the proposed flat top road table as described immediately above in this Notice, respectively.

A copy of the plan showing the location of the proposed raised crossing may be obtained by emailing a request to trafficorders@lewisham.gov.uk quoting reference ‘PTO-1076’.

If you wish to object or make any other representation to the proposed provision of the flat top road table and/or the “raised” zebra pedestrian crossings, both as described above, you must send the grounds for your objection or representation in writing to trafficorders@lewisham.gov.uk or Lewisham Transport Policy & Development, 5th Floor Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London SE6 4RU, quoting reference ‘PTO-1076’ to arrive not later than 21 days from the date of publication of this notice. All written representations received concerning are public documents that may be inspected by any person on demand.

Dated: 21 March 2025

Zahur Khan, Director Public Realm, 5th Floor Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London SE6 4RU