Petitions to Transfer Business

Financial Services and Markets Act 2000financial services and markets act 2000-2.89829753.160478CH4 9QQThe City of WestminsterCheshire West and Chester2006-11-302006-12-042006-10-202006-10-27-0.11371651.514145WC2A 2LLTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

CLAIM No. 7030/2006 of 2006

in the high court of justice

chancery division

companies court

In the Matter of

MBNA Europe bank limited


in the Matter of



In the Matter of

the financial services and markets act 2000

Notice is hereby given that an application was on 20 October 2006 presented to Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice by MBNA Europe Bank Limited ( “MBNA” ) and Yorkshire Building Society ( “Yorkshire” ) for an order under section 111 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 sanctioning a scheme (the “Scheme” ) for the transfer by MBNA to Yorkshire of its Fixed Rate Bond Account retail deposit business. This business is carried on by MBNA under the trading name MBNA Savings and all accounts that are subject to the Scheme are known as Fixed Rate Bond Accounts.

Copies of the Scheme and a statement setting out a summary of the terms of the Scheme (the “Explanatory Statement” ) may be obtained by any person free of charge on application to MBNA, contactable on 0800 915 0057 or at MBNA Savings, PO Box 1185, BRADFORD, BD5 8EF at any time until the making of an order sanctioning the Scheme. Copies of the Scheme and Explanatory Statement may also be viewed on or at the offices of MBNA at Chester Business Park, Chester CH4 9QQ until the making of such an order.

The proposed transfer will result in all of MBNA’s Fixed Rate Bond Accounts being held by Yorkshire. The proposed transfer will secure the continuation by or against Yorkshire of any legal proceedings by or against MBNA that relate to rights or obligations in respect of the Transferred Assets and Transferred Liabilities, both as defined in the Scheme. All claims being dealt with before the transfer by MBNA in respect thereof will, following the proposed transfer, be dealt with by Yorkshire. All claims arising after the proposed transfer will be dealt with by Yorkshire.

The application is directed to be heard before the Companies Court Judge at the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL on 4 December 2006. Any person who believes that he or she would be adversely affected by the carrying out of the Scheme may appear at the hearing in person or by counsel or solicitor advocate. Any person who intends so to appear, and any person who dissents from the Scheme but does not intend so to appear, is requested to give notice in writing of such dissent or intention and the reasons thereof to Mr Duncan Akin of MBNA at the address set out above by 30 November 2006.