Building Societies
Kent Reliance Building Society & OneSavings Plc
Notice under Paragraph 7 of Schedule 17 to the Building Societies Act 1986 (as modified by the Mutual Societies (Transfers) Orders 2009 made under Section 3 of the Building Societies (Funding) and Mutual Societies (Transfers) Act 2007).
Notice is hereby given that Kent Reliance Building Society, registered number 206038, whose principal office is at Reliance House, Sun Pier, Chatham, Kent ME4 4ET, desires to transfer its business to OneSavings Plc and that the Society has applied to the Financial Services Authority (FSA) to confirm the transfer.
Any interested party may make written representations to the FSA and/or give notice of intention to make oral representations to the FSA with respect to the application. Written representations or notices of a person’s intention to make oral representations at a hearing should be received by The Financial Services Authority, Kent Reliance Building Society Representations, Kent Reliance Team, 11th Floor, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS, marked ‘Kent Reliance Building Society Representations’ or by e-mail to on or before 15 December 2010. If notice is given of oral representations these will be heard by the FSA at a meeting expected to be held on 6 January 2011, at a time and place to be determined by the FSA.