2002-09-032002-09-13South Lanarkshire-4.17442755.764555G74 4LYTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk252902500/71

Petition of

Amerjit Singh

For Recall of an Award of Sequestration

Notice is hereby given that in a Petition presented by Amerjit Singh trading as Mon Amis, 1 G1ebe Street, East Kilbride, G74 4LY and residing at 17 Avondale Place, East Kilbride for recall of his sequestration, an order was pronounced by Lady Smith at the Court of Session in Edinburgh on 3rd September 2002 to appoint the Petition to be intimated on the walls and in the Minute Book in common form and to be advertised in the Edinburgh Gazette Newspaper. The said Order granted warrant for serving the Petition as craved on the parties named and designed in the Schedule annexed to the Petition. The Order allows those parties and all other parties claiming an interest to lodge Answers thereto, if so advised, within fourteen days after such intimation, service and advertisement.

Miranda Becher

Drummond Miller WS, 31/32 Moray Place, Edinburgh

Agent for Petitioner