Appointment of Receivers

Insolvency Act 19862002-10-012002-10-222002-10-08EH22DZ-3.19508655.953515EH2 2DZThe City of EdinburghTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Appointment of Receivers

MHRS Realisations Limited

(In Receivership)

SJ Realisations Limited

(In Receivership)

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 67(2) of the Insolvency Act 1986 that meetings of the Creditors of the above-named Companies, formerly Margaret Hodge Recruitment Solutions Limited and Scot Jobs Limited, will be held at Ernst & Young, George House, 50 George Square, Glasgow on 22nd October 2002 at 11.00 am and 12.00 noon respectively for the purpose of having laid before them the Joint Receivers’ Report. Pursuant to Section 68(1) of the said Act, each meeting may, if it thinks fit, establish a Creditors’ Committee to exercise the functions conferred on creditors’ committees by or under the Act.

Creditors are entitled to attend in person or alternatively by proxy. A creditor may vote only if his claim has been submitted to me and that claim has been accepted in whole or in part. A resolution will be passed only if a majority in value of those voting in person or by proxy vote in favour. Proxies and claims must be lodged with me at or before the meetings.

T M Burton, C P Dempster, Joint Receivers

Ernst & Young LLP, Ten George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2DZ

1st October 2002