Companies Removed from Register

2002-11-01Companies Act 1985TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Companies Act 1985

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 652(5) of The Companies Act 1985, that the names of the undermentioned companies have been struck off the register. Such companies are accordingly dissolved as from the date of publication of this notice. This list may include companies which are being removed from the register at their own request.

The first notice of intended dissolution of these companies was published at least 98 days ago.

   Anderson Glass Limited

   Application Training Limited

   Arglow Limited

   Environmental Opportunities Limited

   Firhoist Limited

   George Willsher & Company Limited

   Glen-Nevis Contractors Limited

   Mac Centre (Scotland) Limited

   Nexus Trustees Public Limited Company

   Novatown Limited

   Or Dhu Engineering Limited

   Ryalpoint Limited

   SCL Breamist Limited

   TR - 909 Ltd

   United Logistics Limited

Companies House  Jim Henderson

37 Castle Terrace Registrar of Companies

Edinburgh EH1 2EB

1st November 2002