Administration Orders

2002-12-132003-12-312003-01-10Inverclyde-4.76735555.953028PA16 8DBTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Administration Orders

The following notice is in substitution for that which appeared on page 3386 of the Edinburgh Gazette dated 31st December 2003

MacPherson Homes & Construction Ltd

(In Administration)

Registered number: SC080621

Nature of business: Development and sale of real estate

Trade classification: 23

Registered office: 14 Robertson Street, Greenock PA16 8DB

Court: Court of Session at Edinburgh

Court Reference: P1446/02

Administration order made: 13th December 2002

D D McGruther, Joint Administrator

Office Holder No: 6444

Matthew P Henderson, Joint Administrator

Office Holder No: 6884