Final Meetings

2003-01-272003-03-042003-01-31Insolvency Act 1986-4.25996255.860848G2 6NLGlasgow CityTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Files Glass & Glazing Ltd

(In Liquidation)

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 106 of the Insolvency Act 1986, that final meetings of the Members and Creditors of the above named Company will be held within the offices of Moore Stephens Corporate Recovery, Allan House, 25 Bothwell Street, Glasgow G2 6NL on 4th March 2003 at 10.00am & 10.15am respectively, for the purposes of receiving the Liquidator’s Report on the conduct of the winding up and to determine the manner in which the books, accounts and documents of the Company should be disposed.

Douglas B Jackson, Liquidator

Moore Stephens Corporate Recovery, Allan House, 25 Bothwell Street, Glasgow G2 6NL

27th January 2003