
Glasgow City-4.03290855.807429ML4 2UHBankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1985North Lanarkshire-4.27786355.852438G41 1HJ2003-01-292003-01-172003-01-31ML42UHG411HJTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1985: Schedule 5, paragraph 5(3)

Trust Deed for the Benefit of Creditors

Trust Deed for Creditors by


Formerly trading as CME Distribution

A Trust Deed has been granted by Ronald Montgomery, residing at 15 Argyle Place, Bellshill, Lanarkshire ML4 2UH and formerly t/a CME Distribution, having its place of business at 3 McPhail Street, Glasgow on 17th January 2003 conveying (to the extent specified in section 5(4A) of the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1985) his estate to me Graham Cameron Tough, CA MABRP, Martin Aitken & Co, Caledonia House, 89 Seaward Street, Glasgow G41 1HJ as Trustee for the benefit his creditors generally.

If a creditor wishes to object to the trust deed for the purposes of preventing it becoming a protected trust deed (see notes below on the objections required for that purpose) notification of such objection must be delivered in writing to the Trustee within 5 weeks of the date of publication of this Notice in The Edinburgh Gazette.

Notes: The trust deed will become a protected trust deed unless within the period of 5 weeks of the date of publication of this Notice in The Edinburgh Gazette a majority in number or not less than one third in value of the creditors notify the Trustee in writing that they object to the trust deed and do not wish to accede to it.

The effect of this is that paragraphs 6 and 7 of Schedule 5 to the Act will apply to the trust deed. Briefly, this has the effect of restricting the rights of non-acceding creditors to do diligence (ie to enforce court decrees for unpaid debts) against the debtor and confers certain protection upon the trust deed from being superseded by the sequestration of the debtor’s estate.

Graham C Tough, CA MABRP, Trustee

Martin Aitken & Co, Caledonia House, 89 Seaward Street, Glasgow G41 1HJ

29th January 2003