Road Traffic Acts

Roads (Scotland) Act 1984ROADS (Scotland) ACT 19842003-03-142003-02-14TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Dundee City Council

ROADS (Scotland) ACT 1984

Notice is hereby given that Dundee City Council propose to make an Order under section 68(1) of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 to stop up the lengths of road specified in the Schedule to this Order, which will become unnecessary following the construction of a new link road from Old Glamis Road to Melfort Place.

A copy of the proposed Order and of the accompanying plan showing the lengths of road to be stopped up, together with a statement of the reasons for making the Order will be available for inspection at Dundee City Council Offices, Reception, Floor 4, 21 City Square, Dundee, free of charge during normal office hours from 14th February 2003 to 14th March 2003, both dates inclusive,

Any person may within 28 days from 14th February 2003 object to the making of the Order by notice in writing to the Director of Support Services. Dundee City Council, 21 City Square, Dundee. Objections should state the name and address of the objector, the matters to which they relate and the grounds on which they are made.

Patricia Mcllquham, Director of Support Services


Areas of Roads to be Stopped Up

That area of road known as Melfort Place contained within the following boundary and depicted on the attached Plan No TRO102 will be stopped-up as follows:-

1. From the intersection of the north kerbline of the parking area on the west side of Melfort Place with the west kerbline of the main carriageway of Melfort Place at the point marked “A” on the plan eastwards for a distance of 6.1 metres or thereby to a point on the east kerbline of the main carriageway of Melfort Place 11.5 metres or thereby northwards from the intersection of the east kerbline thereof with the extended line of the north edge of the footpath serving the rear of the properties known as Nos 1 to 9 Melfort Place and marked “B” on the plan.
2. From “B” northwards for a distance of 33 metres or thereby following the east kerbline thereof to a point 4 metres or thereby northwards from the intersection of the east kerbline thereof with the extended line of the north edge of the footpath serving what was formerly Claverhouse Court, Mains Court and Trottick Court at the point marked “C”.
3. From “C” westwards for a distance of 5.5 metres or thereby to the point on the west kerbline thereof marked “D”.
4. From “D” southwards then westwards for a distance of 31 metres of thereby following the west and north kerbline thereof to its intersection with the extended east heel-line of Old Glamis Road at the point marked “E”,
5. From “E” southwards for a distance of 18 metres or thereby following the east heel-line of Old Glamis Road to its intersection with the south kerbline of Melfort Place at the point marked “F”.
6. From “F” eastwards then southwards for a distance of 31.5 metres or thereby following the south and west kerbline of Melfort Place to the point marked “A”.