Town and Country Planning
Argyll and Bute Council
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997
Take notice that the applications in the following schedule may be inspected during normal office hours at the location given below. Anyone wishing to make representations should do so in writing to the undersigned within 14 or 21 days of the appearance of this notice whichever is applicable as indicated below. Please quote the reference number in any correspondence.
Description and Location of Plans
Ref No: 03/00184/LlB
Applicant: Ms Emma Logan
Proposal: Alteration and extension of existing dwelling
Site Address: Bramble Cottage, Craighouse, Isle of Jura
Location of Plans: Sub Post Office: Craighouse, Isle of Jura
Regulation 5 Listed Building Consent - 21 Days
Senior Planning Officer, Development and Building Control,
Development and Environment Services
67 Chalmers Street, Ardrishaig PA30 8DX
Ref No: 03/00153/LIB
Applicant: The Freedom of the Glen Family of Hotels
Proposal: Application of masonry coating to north gable
Site Address: Caledonian Hotel, Queens Park Place, Oban, Argyll PA34 5RT
Location of Plans: Oban Area Office
Regulation 5 Listed Building Consent - 21 Days
Ref No: 03/00178/LlB
Applicant: John Ogden Esq
Proposal: Change of use of temple, public shelter & convenience to seafood restaurant and takeaway
Site Address: Dungallan Temple, Gallanach Road, Oban, Argyll
Location of Plans: Oban Area Office
Regulation 5 Listed Building Consent - 21 Days
Ref No: 03/00027/DET
Applicant: West Highland Housing Association Limited
Proposal: Erection of 8 flats
Site Address: Land adjacent to 33 High Street, Oban, Argyll
Location of Plans: Oban Area Office
Regulation 5 Listed Building Consent - 21 Days
Senior Planning Officer, Development and Building Control,
Development and Environment Services
Lorn House, Albany Street, Oban
Ref No: 03/00204/LIB
Applicant: Mr and Mrs Farrell
Proposal: Replacement of double garage door with single door internal alterations to form kitchen, dining area and utility room
Site Address: Ardlarich, Rhu, Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire
G84 8NL
Location of Plans: Sub Post Office, Rhu
Regulation 5 Listed Building Consent - 21 Days
Senior Planning Officer, Development and Building Control,
Development and Environment Services
Blairvadach, Shandon G84 8ND
Ref No: 03/00203/LIB
Applicant: Mr M O’Loughlin Per
Proposal: Alterations to farmhouse
Site Address: Little Kilmory, Rothesay, Isle of Bute PA20 0QA
Location of Plans: Rothesay Area Office
Regulation 5 Listed Building Consent - 21 Days
Ref No: 03/00209/LIB
Applicant: Mr Gerald McNeill
Proposal: Retention of replacement windows
Site Address: Attic Flat 27, Bishop Street, Rothesay, Isle of Bute PA20 9DH
Location of Plans: Rothesay Area Office
Regulation 5 Listed Building Consent - 21 Days
Ref No: 03/00209/LIB
Applicant: Mr Gerald McNeill
Proposal: Retention of replacement windows - Policies Contravened POL BE1 of the Bute Local Plan 1990
Site Address: Attic Flat 27, Bishop Street, Rothesay, Isle of Bute PA20 9DH
Location of Plans: Rothesay Area Office
Potential Departure from Approved Development Plan
Senior Planning Officer, Development and Building Control,
Development and Environment Services
Milton House, Milton Avenue, Dunoon, Argyll