Town and Country Planning

-2.78101756.047216EH39 5EH-2.72087056.058679EH39 4JJ-2.66080555.928671EH41 4LN-3.04841855.943350EH21 7AB-2.93594655.912997EH35 5HRTD135XWEH421XS2003-02-14EH414LNEH395EHEH355HREH217ABEH320QDEH394JJ-2.65144656.025084EH42 1XS-2.41668755.923405TD13 5XW-2.87260856.012613EH32 0QDEast LothianTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

East Lothian Council


Notice is hereby given that applications for Planning Permission/Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent has been made to East Lothian Council, as Planning Authority as detailed in the schedule hereto.

The applications and plans submitted are open to inspection at Planning & Building Standards Reception, John Muir House, Brewery Park, Haddington during office hours, or at

Any representations should be made in writing to the undersigned within 21 days of this date.

Peter Collins, Head of Environment

John Muir House, Brewery Park, Haddington

14th February 2003



Development in Conservation Area

Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd

57 High Street, Musselburgh, East Lothian EH21 7AB

Change of use of flat to a flat in multiple occupation including installation of vents


Listed Building Consent

Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association Ltd

57 High Street, Musselburgh, East Lothian EH21 7AB

Alterations to building including installation of vents


Development in Conservation Area

Mr S Perkins

14 Main Street, Whitekirk, Dunbar, East Lothian EH42 1XS

Erection of 1 house, integral double garage, formation of vehicular and pedestrian access and associated works


Development in Conservation Area

W Bilbrough and K Dawson

Ashley Cottage, Garvald, Haddington, East Lothian EH41 4LN

Alterations to house/integral garage and decking area and resiting of oil storage tank as changes to the development which is the subject of planning permission 01/01340/FUL


Development in Conservation Area

Andrew E Paul

Woollands Farm, Oldhamstocks, Cockburnspath, Berwickshire TD13 5XW

Alterations and extension to farm building to form 1 house


Development in Conservation Area

Kilspindie Golf Club

Kilspindie Golf Clubhouse, Aberlady, East Lothian EH32 0QD

Erection of wind down column to provide a security camera and lighting for car parking area


Development in Conservation Area

Mr & Mrs Buchanan

School House, Cross Loan, Ormiston, Tranent, East Lothian

EH35 5HR

Installation of replacement windows


Development in Conservation Area

W D Nimmo

Lilac Cottage, Dirleton, North Berwick, East Lothian EH39 5EH

Erection of log store, fences, trellis (part retrospective) and alterations to house


Development in Conservation Area

Peter Whitelaw

52 Forth Street, North Berwick, East Lothian EH39 4JJ

Formation of roof access (Retrospective)