Appointment of Liquidators
Notice of Appointment of Liquidator
Members Voluntary Winding Up
Pursuant to section 109 of the Insolvency Act 1986
Company number: SC027828
Name of company: Scottan Investments Limited
Nature of business: Non-Trading
Type of liquidation: Members Voluntary
Address of registered office: KPMG Corporate Recovery, PO Box 695, 8 Salisbury Square, London, EC4Y 8BB
Liquidators’ names and address: Jeremy Simon Spratt and Stephen Treharne, KPMG Corporate Recovery, PO Box 695, 8 Salisbury Square, London, EC4Y 8BB
Office holder nos: 8914, 6777
Date of appointment: 13th February 2003
By whom appointed: Members
Jeremy Simon Spratt & Stephen Treharne, Liquidator
13th February 2003