Town and Country Planning

-2.09665557.148216AB10 1BWAberdeen City2003-05-09AB101BWTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Aberdeen City Council

Town and Country Planning (Listed Buildings and Buildings in Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Regulations 1987

Notice is hereby given that applications for Listed Building/Conservation Area Consent and for Planning Permission with respect to the undernoted subjects, have been submitted to the Aberdeen City Council.

The applications and relative plans area available for inspection within City Development Services, St Nicholas House, Broad Street, Aberdeen, during normal office hours, and any representations in connection therewith should be made in writing, to the Head of Physical Development, City Development Services, St Nicholas House, Broad Street, Aberdeen AB10 1BW, within 21 days of this advertisement.

Proposals Requiring Listed Building/Conservation Area Consent

Period for lodging representations - 21 days

Nigg Kirk Church Change of use of Hutcheon A3/0730
Nigg Kirk Road vacant church to Group
Aberdeen archive storage Limited
(Category B and internal
Listed Building) alterations
Fountainhall Road Demolition of Scotia A3/0695
Queens Lane North existing buildings Homes
Aberdeen Limited
Area 4)
91 High Street Replacement Bank of A3/0732
Aberdeen signage Scotland
(Category B Listed Halifax
Building within Con-
servation Area 1)
52-54 Union Street Replacement Bank of A3/0733
Aberdeen signage Scotland
(Category B Listed Halifax
Building within Con-
servation Area 2)
269 Union Street Sub-division of Clients of A3/0747
Aberdeen existing class 1 Ken Mathieson
(Category C(s) retail shop into
Listed Building two class 1 retail
within Conserv- shops and formation
ation Area 2) of new entrances

(Would Community Councils, Conservation Groups and Societies, applicants and members of the public please note that the Aberdeen City Council as District Planning Authority intend to accept only those representations which have been received within the above period as prescribed in terms of Planning Legislation. Letters of representation will be open to public view, in whole or in summary according to the usual practice of this authority, at the stage when the application is reported to the Planning Committee).

Bob Reid, Head of Physical Development