Recall of Sequestration
Recall of sequestration
Recall of Sequestration
Robert Tennyson
Notice is hereby given that on 18 August 2009 an Application was presented to the Sheriff of South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway at Hamilton by Robert Tennyson, residing at 64 Skyland Rise, Hamilton ML3 8SA craving the court inter alia to recall the award of sequestration granted by the Sheriff at Hamilton on 27 July 2009; in terms of which Application the Sheriff at South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway at Hamilton by interlocutor dated 18 August 2009 appointed all persons having an interest to lodge Answers, if so advised, within fourteen days after intimation, service and advertisement, in the hands of the Sheriff Clerk, Hamilton Sheriff Court, Sheriff Court House, Birnie House, Caird Street, Hamilton ML3 0AL; all of which notice is hereby given.
Mark Carlin, Solicitor
Friels, The Cross, Uddingston. Agent for the Applicant