Recall of Sequestration

-4.26089955.864597G2 4TB2009-11-272009-11-252009-12-04Glasgow CityTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Recall of sequestration

Malcolm Edwards

Notice is hereby given that a Petition was presented on 25 November 2009 to the Court of Session by Malcolm Edwards for Recall of Sequestration, in which Petition Lord Pentland pronounced an Interlocutor dated 27 November 2009 appointing the Petition to be intimated on the Walls in common form and to be advertised once in the Edinburgh Gazette ; granted warrant for service of the Petition as craved, together with a copy of the said Interlocutor upon the parties named and designed in the Schedule annexed thereto and allowed all parties claiming an interest to lodge Answers thereto, if so advised, within fourteen days after such intimation, advertisement and service; all of which Notice is hereby given.

MacRoberts LLP, 152 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4TB

Agents for the Petitioners