Recall of Sequestration

2010-02-102010-01-132009-07-272009-12-112010-01-26AB101YA-2.12179557.143972AB10 1YAAberdeen CityTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Recall of sequestration

Matthew Whitelaw

Notice is hereby given that on 11 December 2009 an Application was presented to Grampian, Highland and Islands at Aberdeen by Matthew Whitelaw, trading as Matthew Whitelaw Associates, residing at 2 Prince Arthur Street, Aberdeen AB10 1YA to recall the award of sequestration by the Sheriff of Grampian, Highland and Islands at Aberdeen on 27 July 2009; in which Application the sheriff of Grampian, Highland and Islands at Aberdeen by Interlocutor dated 13 January 2010 inter alia appointed a copy of the Application to be intimated on Walls of Court; appointed the application to be served on the Accountant in Bankruptcy and Lord Davidson of Glen Clova QC, The Advocate General for Scotland, and any other persons interested, to lodge Answers, if so advised within 14 days after such intimation, service and advertisement thereto and parties to be heard on 10 February 2010 at 9.45 am within the Sheriff Court, Castle Street, Aberdeen; all of which notice is herby given.

Alan Turner Munro, Solicitor

Anderson Fyfe LLP, 72 Gordon Street, Glasgow

Agent for the Petitioner