Recall of Sequestration

Glasgow City-4.25807555.861377G2 5EABankruptcy (Scotland) Act 19852011-04-152011-03-162011-04-26-2.80703155.968385EH41 3SLEast LothianTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Recall of sequestration

Haddington Sheriff Court

Gavin Tully-Jackson

Notice is hereby given that on 16 March 2011 a Petition was presented to the Sheriff at Haddington Sheriff Court by Gavin Tully-Jackson residing at 3 West Garleton Holdings, Haddington EH41 3SL, for inter alia an order under the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1985 for Recall of his Sequestration; in which a Petition that the Sheriff by Interlocutor dated 15 April 2011 appointed all persons claiming an interest to lodge Answers thereto with the Sheriff Clerk at Haddington Sheriff Court within 14 days after intimation, advertisement or service; all of which notice is hereby given.

Stacy Keen, Solicitor

Pinsent Masons LLP, 123 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5EA

Agents for the Petitioner

(Reference SK03/223079.07000).