National Parks and Access to the Countryside
The Moray Council
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above Order is about to be made and submitted to the Scottish Executive for confirmation, except that, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2(1A) of Schedule 3 to the above Act, if no representations or objections are duly made to The Moray Council or, if any so made are withdrawn, the Order shall on being made take effect without it having to be submitted to the Scottish Executive and without their confirmation.
The effect of the Order will be to divert the line of part of the route as indicated by the Plan attached to the draft Order to ensure efficient use of the land and to provide a more convenient line for the path. The plan shows the existing line of the public right of way shaded green and the proposed path following diversion is shown shaded yellow.
A draft of the Order and the Plan referred to herein, together with the Statement of the Reasons for the Making of the Order, has been deposited at the Access Point, Council Office, Greyfriars Street, Elgin for inspection by any person without payment from Monday to Friday inclusive during normal office hours. Copies of the documents have also been deposited with the Dufftown Branch Library, 26 Balvenie Street, Dufftown, Keith, Banffshire AB55 4QB and Aberlour Library, 94 High Street, Aberlour AB38 9QA.
If you wish to have sent to you in due course any Notice to the effect that the Order has come into operation and a copy of the Order as operative, you should write to the Chief Legal Officer, The Moray Council, Council Office, High Street, Elgin, Moray IV30 1BX, giving your name and address to which these documents may be sent.
Compensation for deprivation or damage in consequence of the coming into operation of the Order is payable in accordance with Sections 37-70 of the above Act.
Any representation or objection with respect of the draft of the Order may be sent in writing to the Chief Legal Officer, The Moray Council at the address shown above before 28 June, 2011 and should state the grounds on which the representation(s) and/or objection(s) is/are made
Dated the Twentieth day of May, Two Thousand and Eleven.
Roderick D. Burns,
Chief Legal Officer, Council Office, High Street, ELGIN IV30 1BX