Recall of Sequestration
Recall of sequestration
Undernoted referred to:
Javid Iqbal
Notice is hereby given that on 14 June 2013 an application was presented to Glasgow Sheriff Court by Javid Iqbal having a place of business at Shop 807/803 Shettleston Road, Shettleston, Glasgow G32 7NR and residing at 1 Auchter Road, Wishaw ML2 8PJ to recall the award of sequestration granted on 2 November 2009; by Intelrocutor dated 14 June 2013 the Sheriff appointed all persons claiming interest to lodge Answers with the Sheriff Clerk, Sheriff Court House, 1 Carlton Place, Glasgow G5 9DA if so advised within 14 days after intimation, advertisement and service; all of which notice is hereby given.
James Lloyd, Solicitor
Harper Macleod, 45 Gordon Street, Glasgow G1 3PE
Agent for the Applicant