Recall of Sequestration
Recall of sequestration
Alan Tolmie
Notice is hereby given that on 20 September 2013 an application was presented to the Sheriff of Lothian and Borders at Livingston by Alan Tolmie, formerly residing at 47 Huron Avenue, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 6LF and now residing at 18 Dewshill Cottages, Salsburgh, Shotts, Lanarkshire ML7 4NX to recall the award of sequestration awarded by the Sheriff of Lothian and Borders at Livingston on 12 October 2012; in which application the Sheriff of Lothian and Borders at Livingston by interlocutor dated 26 September 2013 inter alia appointed a notice of the presentation of the application be made in The Edinburgh Gazette and appointed all persons claiming an interest to lodge answers thereto in the hands of the Sheriff Clerk, Sheriff Court House, Civic Centre, Livingston, within 14 days of the advertisement; all of which Notice is hereby given.
Alan Turner Munro, Solicitor
TLT Scotland Limited, 140 West George Street, Glasgow G2 2HG, Agent for the Applicant