Recall of Sequestration

Glasgow CityStirling2014-02-282014-01-242013-11-292014-01-162014-02-04-4.25732355.860816G2 5EZPerth and Kinross-3.93917256.119240FK8 1BJClackmannanshire-3.63402356.153776FK14 7NU-3.79258456.116289FK10 1JATSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Recall of sequestration

Mr Parmjit Singh Binning

Notice is hereby given that on 16 January 2014 an application was presented to the Sheriff of Tayside Central and Fife at Alloa by Mr Parmjit Singh Binning, formerly of 23/25 Baker Street, Stirling FK8 1BJ and now residing at 6 Main Street, Blairingone, Dollar FK14 7NU, for the recall of the sequestration of the estate of the said Parmjit Singh Binning granted at Alloa Sheriff Court on 29 November 2013, in which application the Sheriff of Tayside Central and Fife at Alloa by interlocutor dated 24 January 2014 appointed all persons having an interest to lodge Answers in the hands of the Sheriff Clerk at Alloa Sheriff Court within 14 days after intimation, service or advertisement all of which notice is hereby given; thereafter assigned a hearing on 28 February 2014 at 10.00 am within Alloa Sheriff Court, Drysdale Street, Alloa FK10 1JA.

Miller Samuel LLP

RWF House, 5 Renfield Street, Glasgow G2 5EZ