Amendment of Title of Proceedings
MUKALAF, Asaad, unemployed, residing at 15 Pinfold, South Cave, Brough, East Riding of Yorkshire, and lately trading under the style Stars & Stripes, from 4 Anne Street, Kingston-upon-Hull, and previously under the style Roccos, from 8 Wednesday Market, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, at both as a Restaurateur, and previously under the style Sams Takeaway, from 4 Mill Lane, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, as a Fast Food Takeaway. Court—KINGSTON-UPON-HULL. No. of Matter—172 of 1997. Date of Bankruptcy Order—23rd September 1997. These proceedings were previously advertised in The London Gazette on 30th October 1997, under the description: Asaad Mukalaf, occupation unknown, of 15 Pinfold South Cave, near Hull, The East Riding of Yorkshire HU15 2HE, lately trading at an unknown address as a Restaurateur as Rocco. Official Receiver—Suite J, Anchor House, The Maltings, Silvester Street, Hull HU1 3HA.