Amendment of Title of Proceedings

-2.35783851.376231BA2 4PAThe District of Bath and North East Somerset-2.35981951.381512BA1 1LY1997-05-091997-05-011998-01-02BA11LYBA24PATSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

PARSONS, James Henry, Contracts Manager, of 31 St. Marks Road, Widcombe, Bath BA2 4PA, lately carrying on business at 13 Abbey Church Yard, Bath BA1 1LY, all in the county of Bath and North East Somerset. Court—BATH. No. of Matter—19 of 1997. Date of Bankruptcy Order—1st May 1997. These proceedings were previously advertised in The London Gazette on 9th May 1997, under the description: James Parsons, occupation unknown, of 13 Abbey Church Yard, Bath, Somerset BA1 1LY. Official Receiver—3rd and 4th Floors, Intercity House, Mitchell Lane, Bristol BS1 6BD.